Supergirl is a popular DC character and one of the most famous female superheroes in comics and their screen adaptations. However, representation of f...
Sam Wilson's brand new costume in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has surfaced online as Captain America: A Beautiful New World hits theaters next year....
Every superhero costume should have a specific characteristic - at least that's what Superman thinks. Superman: The Man of Steel has had a variety of ...
Like Thor and his hammer in Thor the Thunderer, Hela, banished to Earth, no longer deserves her helmet. After training with Man Mo and choosing a bett...
Anyone who has tried to reach max level with any character in Champion Cosplay will know that this is no easy feat and will likely take a few runs of ...
In their posts about NYCC, Pop and Son Champion Cosplay express a great deal of pride in RoboCap – and rightfully so. "Combined my 2 favorite characte...
Starting the clip wearing an all-black facemask underneath a spotless white hood, Team Firestorm quickly cuts to a full body shot of their design, sho...
Considering how important Superman: Legacy is to the entire DC Universe, the movie will receive even more attention when production begins next year. ...
Designing iconic Halloween costumes for the spooky season is harder than it looks. Having inspiration (and maybe even a mood board) before the brutal ...