Looking for Guidance on Launching a Small Internet Business | Forum

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sam Jun 25 '24

Hello Everyone,

I'm eager to get to know you all as I'm relatively new to the forum. I've been planning on launching a small digital business, so I'm looking for guidance from anyone who have expertise or insight into the procedure.

A little about myself I've worked as freelancer for a couple of years and have expertise in graphic design. Although I like the freedom and creativity offered with freelancing, I've been dying to create my own business. 

I've started thinking about establishing a web-based business recently where I would offer goods like phone covers, mugs, and t-shirts that are custom created.

These are some concerns I have:

Selecting a Platform: Shopify, WooCommerce, and Etsy, and other e-commerce platforms are just a few of the numerous options available.For a novice, what kind of platform would you suggest, and why? What are each's benefits and drawbacks?

Marketing Methods: How can I adequately spread the word about my recently launched company utilising marketing techniques? Which marketing strategy should I prioritise more—social media, SEO, email, or a mix of these? Are there any particular tools or tips that you would recommend?

Managing Logistics: As a small internet business, how do you manage your inventory, shipping, and support staff? Would you suggest any services or solutions to make these procedures more efficient?

Legal Aspects to Consider in Accountability: What legal considerations need to be made prior to launching an internet business? 


Do I have to follow certain rules, get a licence, or register my aws business?

Thank you in advance.