The Information highway or the
Internet has changed the way the world goes about doing things. It is one more
point in a long continuum of inventions that is set to revolutionize
lifestyles. One is inclined to ask, how does the ability of computers to talk
to each other improve the learning process in the classroom? How does it make a
difference in study of epics like the Odyssey and the Iliad? These questions
and more will be answered in the following passages. The Internet has a more
pervasive effect than other electronic media and is the modern engine of
progress; it is the new form of thinking that will show a fresh approach to
online education.
Personal computers and the
Information Superhighway are rapidly transforming America. Already, the Internet
is making large amounts of information available at unprecedented speeds. When
this revolution makes itself fully felt in schools, teachers and students will
have virtually instantaneous access to vast amounts of information and a wide
range of learning tools. If we guide the information revolution wisely, these
resources will be available not only to affluent suburban schools but also to
rural school districts and inner-city schools. Broad access can reduce
differences in the quality of online education and give children in all areas
new opportunities to learn. Used well, this transforming technology can play a
major role in school reform.
The new technology will enable students to acquire the
skills that are essential to succeed in modern society. Exposure to computer
technology in school will permit students to become familiar with the necessary
tools at an early age. By using the technology well, they will also acquire
better thinking skills to help them become informed citizens and active community
The drive to integrate technology
into our nation's schools goes far beyond the Internet. If the Internet didn't
exist, advanced technology would still have so many valuable educational uses
distance learning applications, collaborative learning, and so forth that far
larger investments than are being contemplated would be justified.
Web resources are excellent tools
for researches. Let's not kid ourselves, however. Even if policymakers,
practitioners, and parents did decide what their goals were and even if the
research findings supported one of several configurations of hardware and
software, deciding when, how, or if to use technology (or any other reform) in
the classroom is not likely to be determined solely on these bases. Many other
factors--ranging from parental pressure to superintendents wanting to leave
their fingerprints on the district to technology corporations promoting their
products--shape decisions to buy and allocate technologies to schools.
The Internet is an incredible
information resource and a powerful communication tool. The ability to use new
technologies is becoming a more important factor in career options, and the
future success of today's students will be more affected by their understanding
of and ability to access and use electronic information. The increased use of
on-line services in the home by children adds to the impetus for schools to
take a more active role in family education regarding their use.
Schools have the potential to be
access points and online educational centers for exploring Internet resources.
Increased involvement of parents in school education programs can help address
community concerns and can improve their children's overall academic
performance. If educators assume responsibility for helping students master the
use of technology and educating them about potential risks, students will
become more empowered to make intelligent choices.
Multicultural education relates
to education and instruction designed for the cultures of several different
races in an educational system. This approach to teaching and learning is based
upon consensus building, respect, and fostering cultural pluralism within
racial societies. Multicultural education acknowledges and incorporates
positive racial idiosyncrasies into classroom atmospheres.
The concept of learning styles is
rooted in the classification of psychological types. The different ways of
doing so are generally classified as: Concrete and abstract perceivers and
Active and reflective processors.
There are many academic and psychological
issues do minority students encounter such as: low single head of household,
low socioeconomic status, low minority group status, limited English
proficiency, low-educational attainment of parents, mobility, and psychosocial
Not only do school programs and
practices have a direct impact upon student success, but the school and
community contexts in which these programs and practices occur also affect
success rates. "Context" is comprised of numerous factors. Some
contextual variables can have a positive impact upon students, while others
work against student success.
The call for total school reform
strongly suggests that existing conceptions of education are inadequate for
promoting multicultural equity. Unfortunately, these same conceptions have
shaped the schooling of prospective teachers. Their education likely has been
characterized by tracking (the process of assigning students to different
groups, classes, or programs based on measures of intelligence, achievement, or
aptitude), traditional instruction that appeals to a narrow range of learning
styles, and curricula that exclude the contributions of women and people of
diverse cultures. Competition drives this factory model of schooling, in which
students tend to be viewed as products coming off an assembly line.