25 Most Common Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas | Forum

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Melinda Drury
Melinda Drury Feb 8 '23

An argumentative essay involves making a claim about a specific topic and fending that topic by providing relevant and accurate supporting evidence. By definition, an argument is a statement that can be disputed or challenged by providing evidence to the contrary. Each topic that you choose to write on would have at least two sides. In an argumentative essay, a stance is held as being favored which is to be defended and the audience should be persuaded on how the stance taken triumphs the counter stance.

        An argumentative essay is characterized by the usage of several persuasive techniques that are employed alongside the supporting evidence to assist the audience towards a particular end. The persuasive techniques that might be employed include pathos, ethos, and logos. Pathos is characterized by an appeal to emotions. Despite the well-researched evidence that you provide, no matter how grounded the arguments are, people are only moved when emotions are involved. The best method is to supplement the arguments and evidence with an emotional appeal so that a holistic approach to argumentation and persuasion can be employed.

Another persuasive technique that an essay writer employs is ethos, which is characterized by an appeal to authority. In other words, in ethos, individuals tend to ground their credibility to give the sense to the audience that the content that you are delivering comes from a reliable source. The final persuasive technique that can be employed is logos, which involves an appeal to logic. This means providing accurate information about the point that you are arguing about so that the audience knows that the content that you are providing is not fabricated, but is legitimate, authentic, and relevant. Argumentative essays should be written on topics that have multiple sides. Following is a list of essay ideas that you can use for your argumentative essay assignment.

1.  Should free internet be available for everyone?

2.  Is using genetically modified organisms ethical?

3.  Should there be a ban on abortion?

4.  Is democracy the best political system we have?

5.  Are there no alternatives to capitalism?

6.  Is euthanasia ethical?

7.  Should animals be used as subjects in scientific experiments?

8.  Can economic inequality in the United States be decreased?

9.  Should access to higher education be open to all?

10.  Does free healthcare constitute a basic human right?

11.  Should gun control laws be increased?

12.  Do video games induce violent tendencies in children?

13.  Should marijuana be legalized?

14.  Should sec work be legalized?

15.  Should sex education be made mandatory in schools?

16.  Should prison inmates have the right to vote?

17.  Should the United States open its borders for immigration?

18.  Can climate change be reversed?

19.  Should self-driving vehicles be allowed on public roads?

20.  Are books always better than their movie adaptations?

21.  Should unpaid internships be allowed?

22.  Does online education benefit students the same way as classroom education?

23.  Should cigarette smoking be banned?

24.  Should the wages of CEOs be reduced?

25.  Should school athletes have a monthly compensation?

Having chosen the topic of the argumentative essay, the next step is the writing process. The first step in writing the argumentative essay is to write the introduction part of the essay. The introduction should catch the attention of the readers right away. For this, the essay should be started with a catchy phrase, a relevant statistic, or a famous quote. After this, the introduction should provide the audience with the background information necessary to understand the argumentative essay. The introduction of the argumentative essay should end with the thesis statement. Furthermore, if you are feeling under strain thinking about an absence of time. Then, at that point, you can contact a paper writing serviceto help you with writing an essay.

        The thesis statement is arguably the most important component of any essay. The thesis statement guides the readers about the entire purpose of the essay and the scope of the essay. The thesis statement should be written in a concise and pithy manner. As a rule of thumb, the length of the thesis statement should not exceed more than 25 characters. The thesis statement should allude to the topic sentences of the body paragraph. In this way, the readers have knowledge about the content that is to follow. If I were to get stuck in writing the thesis statement of my argumentative essay, I could ask a professional writer to write my essay, to ensure that I get the quality content in my essay.

        The next step in writing the argumentative essay is to write the body paragraphs. There should be at least three body paragraphs in the argumentative essay. In other words, the argumentative essay should consist of three arguments that you utilize to support the claim that you are making.

The body paragraphs should start with the topic sentences. The topic sentence guides the readers about the content of the paragraph. In addition to this, the topic sentence alludes back to the thesis statement. There should be only one idea discussed in each paragraph, which is introduced in the topic sentence. The topic sentence is followed by the evidence provided to back up the claim made in the topic sentence. The evidence should be followed by an explanation or elucidation of the evidence. The paragraph should end with a conclusion that sums up the discussion of the paragraph. If you encounter difficulties in writing the body paragraphs of your essay, you can get the help of a professional essay writing servicethat can cater to your needs for perfect written content.

        The last part of the argumentative essay is its concluding paragraph that should restate the thesis statement and summarize the arguments previously discussed. The last sentence of the conclusion should be a call to action to your readers. 

The Forum post is edited by Melinda Drury Feb 8 '23
Max May 4 '23
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