We couldn’t handle knowing that hard workers from across the world, seeking new skills and a better life, get tricked into paying absurd amounts for low-quality exam materials. Often material that was out of date or at best, available online through community sites without hurting the wallet. And it had to stop. You are ready to jump in! That’s it, the next page will be full of practice questions. Challenging material. And best of all, a chance to hone your skills. It’s ok if you feel in over your head. We all did at some point, this next step is about pushing through that fear and getting ready to tackle something as challenging as the CKA. If you get stuck, reach out. If you see others stuck, help them. And as always, like we love to say, work smarter NOT harder!
Searching for Inspiration? Try Looking up Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Exam New Kubernetes Security Specialist Certification to Help Professionals Demonstrate Expertise in Securing Container-Based Applications Advanced certification from CNCF and The Linux Foundation will build on industry-leading Certified Kubernetes Administrator The Linux Foundation logo NEWS PROVIDED BY The Linux Foundation Jul 15, 2020, 12:00 ET SHARE THIS ARTICLE SAN FRANCISCO, July 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, and Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today announced a new certification, the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) is in development.
The certification is expected to be generally available before the KubeCon North America event this November. CKS will consist of a performance-based certification exam testing competence across a broad range of best practices for securing container-based applications and Kubernetes platforms during build, deployment and runtime. Candidates for CKS must hold a current Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification to demonstrate they possess sufficient Kubernetes expertise before sitting for the CKS. The new certification is being developed Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Exam