FM WhatsApp does not include a built-in screen recording or screen sharing feature. However, you can use third-party apps to record your screen and share it with others via WhatsApp. Here's how:
Download a screen recording app: There are many screen recording apps available for Android, such as AZ Screen Recorder, DU Recorder, and RecMe.
Start recording: Once you have the Fm whatsapp download, open it and start recording. Make sure to give the app permission to record audio if prompted.
Share the recording: Once you have finished recording, you will be able to find the recorded video in the app's gallery. Share the video via WhatsApp by selecting it in the gallery and choosing WhatsApp as the sharing option.
If you want to share the screen, you can use third-party apps that allow you to share your screen with others, such as TeamViewer, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. You can share the link or ID of your screen sharing session with the contact in WhatsApp.