yvegas's blog

Lot of shows are here, yes we are talking about Las Vegas City. Shows are very popular in Las Vegas. Different -2 types of shows themes are here to watch. Such as comedy shows, magic shows, adult shows hypnotist shows afternoon shows. We are sharing top 3 types of shows in Vegas. Here is the list.

1.Afternoon Shows in Las Vegas

2.Adult Shows in Las Vegas

3.Hypnotist Shows in Las Vegas

Afternoon shows Vegas - Afternoon shows in Las Vegas is a category of shows. These types of shows running in day that is benefit for travelers. Night is free for Las Vegas Nightlife. Which shows are running in day time that is call afternoon shows Vegas. Afternoon shows Vegas is types of shows which have lot of shows running in different -2 shows themes. You can book your afternoon shows tickets online also.

Top 5 Afternoon shows in Vegas

1.Blue Man Group Show - Special Theme show

2.David Copperfield Show -  Magic Theme Show

3.Stripper 101 – Adult Theme Show

4.Australian Bee Gees – Tribute Theme Show

5.Mac King Show – Hypnotist Theme Show

Adult shows Vegas -  Vegas Adult shows is fantasy show, according to me. But everyone opinion is different. According to name these types of shows for age 18+. Hot and sexy girl are performing on the stage. This is the specialty of adult shows Vegas. High volume sound box with topless girls; you can say a killer combination on stage. 

Top 5 Adult shows in Las Vegas

1.Fantasy Show Vegas

2.Chippendales Show Vegas

3.Crazy Girl Show Vegas

4.Sexxy Show Vegas

5.Puppetry of The Penis Show Vegas

Hypnotist Shows Vegas - Mind reading is call hypnotist and Vegas hypnotist shows are very famous in globally. “Illusionist and Mentalist” is called Vegas hypnotist shows. hypnotist shows in Las Vegas is back born of Vegas shows.

Top 5 Hypnotist shows in Vegas

1.Anthony Cools the Uncensored Hypnotist

2.Paranormal the mind reading magic show

3.The Mentalist Gerry McCambridge

4.Gerry McCambridge (Mentalist)

5.Hypnosis Unleashed
