World of Warcraft TBC is officially out, allowing players to get involved with the game and make their way up to 70. Although, by the end game, there are many different items for gear, and the all-important flying to purchase. Players can expect to spend 5k WOW Classic Gold on epic flying which is a considerably large amount of money for the average player. For those looking to acquire gold for characters, here is how to make gold in TBC Classic.
Auction House
By utilizing the common method, buying low, selling high. Instead of wasting time on doing dailies, it is easier to browse through the Auction House and look for items with little less than average price so you can easily sell them. Be smart about undercutting. Don’t use Auctioneer, a mod will never see the price fluctuations as a real person can.
Check for items like Primals, Shards, Void Crystals, Gems and familiarize yourself with them. Also some common rares. It is ideal to make about 15 - 20 gold on each resell/auction flipping having in mind the Auction House cuts.
Loot everything
Looting may not be the most effective way to farm WoW TBC Classic gold, but it’s still worth it, especially if you loot everything. Many players only loot stuff they need and deem valuable, forgetting the junk and grey items can fetch some extra coin at a vendor or in the auction house. Of course, you won’t be making mind-blowing amounts with each loot, but whatever little gold the unwanted stuff fetch will soon add up.
If crafting items to sell is not your style, gathering can still earn you some gold. You just roam around picking stuff and sell it to players whose profession is crafting, but they lack time to farm the materials needed to level their craft. With new professions like Jewelcrafting, demand for iron ore is pretty high.
There are around a dozen professions in WoW TBC Classic, including blacksmithing, engineering, herbalism, first aid, fishing, jewel crafting, tailoring, mining, enchanting, alchemy, and cooking. They’re not equally lucrative, so you’ll have to pick wisely.
Skinning and jewel crafting make the most gold, but these are pretty expensive to level up. d. Alchemy, mining, tailoring, herbalist, and leatherworking will earn you decent to considerable amounts of gold.
Making gold through professions will include an element of Auction House usage, but not to the extent of using it like we mentioned in the previous section. Instead, when you make gold through professions, you do so by farming materials yourself from the open world and crafting them up before selling them to other players.
The best professions for material farming include Mining and Herbalism (with Fishing serving as a solid secondary choice), as you can mindlessly traverse the world searching for different nodes of ore or herbs to collect and stockpile. Additionally, there are countless guides online that can point you in the direction of optimal routes through zones that you can follow when farming for materials. With the addition of flying mounts in TBC Classic, getting around zones and farming materials is going to be a lot more efficient of a process than it was in Classic.
Running dungeons over and over again can also be a fruitful way to secure some gold in TBC Classic. Mainly, you’ll want to be burning through instances with a lot of enemies like the Slave Pens or Shadow Labyrinth, so that you can ensure you’ll get as much passive gold from enemies as possible. On top of the passive gold that each enemy drops, you’ll be able to pick up some sellable items and gear that can add to your total income per dungeon. Rare boss drops that other players in your groups don’t want to hang on to can be sold for some decent raw gold, while bind-on-equip items can either be sold to vendors or listed on the Auction House for some extra gold.
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Farming for gold is an important part of the World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic experience. In many cases, there is a direct correlation between the amount of gold you own and the amount of benefit you can bring to your team. Since it takes a lot of consumables to be successful at the top levels of the game - especially in PvE environments - it takes a lot of gold to keep up. Here are the best ways to get WOW Gold Classic quickly in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic.
Auction House
By utilizing the common method, buying low, selling high. Instead of wasting time on doing dailies, it is easier to browse through the Auction House and look for items with little less than average price so you can easily sell them. Be smart about undercutting. Don’t use Auctioneer, a mod will never see the price fluctuations as a real person can.
Check for items like Primals, Shards, Void Crystals, Gems and familiarize yourself with them. Also some common rares. It is ideal to make about 15 - 20 gold on each resell/auction flipping having in mind the Auction House cuts.
Wow Classic TBC Leveling
Wow Classic TBC will continue progression with our current characters. This means you can continue playing with your current characters in the same realms. So it’s time to leveling your alts to maximum level until TBC release. More character means more profession combinations for gold farming. I would suggest leveling a paladin because they are really good in TBC for AOE farming both in dungeons and open-world. So it’s a good idea to have and be ready for TBC with at least one protection paladin if you don’t have time for more characters.
Making gold through professions
When you make gold by profession, you do it by cultivating materials from the open world yourself and crafting them before selling them to other players. Mining and herbal medicine are the best occupations in material agriculture. In addition, you can follow the best route provided by these online guides when farming materials to find different ore or herbal nodes to collect and store in World of Warcraft.
DungeonsRunning dungeons over and over again can also be a fruitful way to secure some gold in TBC Classic. Mainly, you’ll want to be burning through instances with a lot of enemies like the Slave Pens or Shadow Labyrinth, so that you can ensure you’ll get as much passive gold from enemies as possible.
On top of the passive gold that each enemy drops, you’ll be able to pick up some sellable items and gear that can add to your total income per dungeon. Rare boss drops that other players in your groups don’t want to hang on to can be sold for some decent raw gold, while bind-on-equip items can either be sold to vendors or listed on the Auction House for some extra gold.
Optimize your bag space
It is always worth having a lot of bag space, but this is especially important if you have a gathering profession. These materials will quickly take up space in your bag, and you don't want to travel unnecessarily in a bank or auction house. Even if you don't want to disturb professions, it is still a good idea to clean your luggage as much as possible.
Hopefully this guide helps you to make some of that sweet gold. If you need help getting your Fishing up to speed to catch the more valuable mats, If you want to save yourself the need to save money and give an impetus to the development of your Character, you can Buy WOW Gold Classic from
Fishing is a profitable side venture all characters can engage in. Not only is it great for Cooking, but several fish are also required for Alchemy. Fish are good for leveling your skills, but many of the higher-end fish are in great demand as stat food for soloing, dungeons, and raids.
Stonescale Eel
Fishing level: 205 minimum, 300 no “get aways” or 330 minimum, 425 no “get aways” in Bay of Storms
Stonescale Eel is probably one of the most useful reagents for Alchemy and as such will always be in demand. The fish is used to make Stonescale Oil, which in turn is used for Elixir of Superior Defense, Greater Stoneshield Potion, Flask of Petrification, and Flask of the Titans. These will be heavily used by progression raiding guilds.
Farming Oily Blackmouth
Farming Stonescale Eel is by far the most lucrative way to earn money fishing. However, it’s also the most competitive. Oily Blackmouth can be a reliable alternative to make considerable gold for lower level characters. Oily Blackmouth can be most reliably caught off the coast of Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris (minimum skill: 130; recommended skill: 225), but a good alternate location is the western coast of The Wetlands (minimum skill: 1; recommended skill: 75).
Sagefish has two different fish that can make different levels of mp5 food: Smoked Sagefish and Sagefish Delight. The best locations for Raw Sagefish are Loch Modan and Silverpine at lower levels or Ashenvale, Hillsbrad Foothills, and Mirkfallon Lake in Stonetalon Mountains at higher levels. For Raw Greater Sagefish, the best places to fish are near Lordamere Lake in Alterac Mountains and around Lake Nazferiti in Stranglethorn Vale.
Nightfin Snapper and Sunscale Salmon
These two fish are time-sensitive and are caught at opposite times of the day in the same areas. Raw Nightfin Snapper makes the highest mp5 food, Nightfin Soup, which is great for casters. Just like Stonescale Eel, it’s caught only at night. The highest drop rate is between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m., with a lower drop rate from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. It’s not available between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. at all.
Raw Sunscale Salmon makes a good hp5 food, Poached Sunscale Salmon. It’s the daytime counterpart to Nightfin and as such can only be caught during the day. The highest drop rate is between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m., with a lower drop rate from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. It’s not available between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.
They’re located mostly inland in level 45+ zones. The best locations are Azshara, Eastern Plaguelands, Felwood, Jademir Lake in Feralas, The Hinterlands, Moonglade, Un’goro Crater, Scholomance in Western Plaguelands, and Winterspring.
Hopefully this guide helps you to make some of that sweet WOW Gold Classic . If you need help getting your Fishing up to speed to catch the more valuable mats, If you want to save yourself the need to save money and give an impetus to the development of your Character, you can buy WOW Gold Classic from
As the essential support is many raid and dungeon groups, it’s easy to see how Priest is the go-to healing class for Classic WoW. Priests excel at healing any content in the game, including PvP, while being possibly the best 1v1 dueling class in the game as a Shadow Priest. Priest has a great leveling pace, with many tools and healing abilities to ease your way through Azeroth on your journey to Level 60. This guide is for those who prefer to grind out their levels.
Doing Quests
First, and definitely a good option, is to do Quests. Questing is the core of this game and it requires you to choose wisely and follow important notes. Therefore, it’s crucial to do as many quests as you can.
The reason why quests are good for leveling is that they give a massive amount of experience when you do a lot of them. On the other hand, doing a couple of quests only, won’t have effective effects on your level bar.
And, most importantly, getting to know which zones to occupy and take quests from is of the essence. This means that it’s better to move to another zone if it suits your level, rather than staying in the same zone and complete old and undermining quests.
In addition to that, we enlisted some leveling zones for you to try. Keep in mind that all these zones have their average level, so advancing into the next zone sooner can hurt you in terms of experience.
This is a faster way to reach level 60, grinding dungeons can allow you to get more XP effectively and you need to continue to do the task with other four players. In other words, you will face some more difficult tasks, and you may be directed to some very tough dungeons. After completing these tasks, you will get some valuable rewards and XP, but they are never easy to own. You have to find some friends and form a team before going to dungeons, or your XP will drop at fast speed when you can't successfully complete the dungeon quests.
Leveling zone order
Almost every zone of World of Warcraft Classic can bring some XP to the players, but the zone order in a limited time is an efficient way, such as prioritize efficient tasks. You need to plan your regional route beforehand and complete the task in the shortest time. The more precise your route, the faster you level up.
Melee Cleave
As you might expect, Melee Cleave groups focus on melee AoE damage. Warriors are typically best for this, so a common composition (as outlined here) is three warriors (with Cleave), one paladin, and a priest for healing. Shamans can fill in for the priest here, but rouges are basically a no-go due to their lack of area damage. It’s a simple case of having the paladin pull entire rooms with a protection bubble and letting the warrior spin to win while the Priest buffs and heals as needed. There’s a bit less risk involved with a Melee Cleave group over Spell Cleave, but the latter can beat out the other for raw EXP once mastered.
Spell Cleave
Spell Cleave dungeon groups are far more involved. Spell Cleave groups can burn down entire dungeons in one go if done right, but it’s incredibly hard to pull off. Instead, be prepared for small pulls with plenty of downtime for mana regen. The idea here is to pull packs with a warlock/hunter pet or bear druid and have mages slow/freeze them with their spells and burn them down with things like Blizzard. The packs will be large enough to one-shot almost anyone if they get close, meaning paladins with a bubble are also good for large numbers. Priests are fantastic healers here, but shamans and paladins can potentially fill in.
Kill everything you see, GrindGrinding, may sound boring and lost in time and not even relevant to World of Warcraft as much as it is to some Korean Free to play mmo’s, since it can be replaced with bunch of quests or even dungeon farms. But in WoW Classic you sometimes might end up in a situation where you are between 2 zones where you have outgrown one zone and not big enough for the other, here comes grinding, where you can supplement quests with monster kills to make it faster. Just try to kill every monster you come across as you travel from one quest to another. It might not look like much when it comes in, but that little extra EXP will really build up over time.
Contrary to popular belief, grouping can actually be a great way to quest. Whether or not it is worth grouping comes down to your personal preference and kill speed while solo. First and foremost, leveling with a friend can be much more enjoyable than playing solo, so do not hesitate to do what is most enjoyable to you. If all you care about is efficiency though, then you need to look at kill rates. Most classes benefit greatly from pairing up into a duo or group, but some less so than others. Hunters, for example, already have one of the fastest kill rates in the game solo, so putting them into a duo is only going to slow down their XP/hour compared to being solo for the most part. Warlocks also have an excellent kill rate while solo, but giving them a duo partner who can tank or heal allows them to purely focus on damage, which can greatly increase their kill rate, making them a great class for duos. To figure out if it is worth it or not, you need to know how XP is affected in groups.
Gold is important
The financial side of WoW Classic is striking with realism. The size of your inventory and bank account is strictly limited, so you must prioritize and choose which items to keep and which to throw away. If you open an additional bank account, this will not only save you from the need for strict loot prioritization but will also help you earn some Gold by selling unnecessary items you now can keep for a long time not carrying them around. Use every opportunity to earn Gold: it provides a large number of opportunities, access to unique resources for high-quality production, useful Skills, purchase of excellent gear, and much more. Having a stable financial position, you can fully realize your gaming potential and reduce the time required to achieve high levels. If you want to save yourself the need to save money and give an impetus to the development of your Character, you can buy WOW Gold Classic from
WoW Classic Gold is the main in-game currency in World of Warcraft Classic. WOW Gold Classic lets you buy gear upgrades, mounts, bags, materials, and so much more. However, it`s way harder to earn Classic WoW Gold in Vanilla WoW, than it is in retail WoW. WoW Classic Gold can only be slowly farmed through quest rewards, looting gold from enemies, selling items to vendors or acquiring World of Warcraft Classic Gold from professions. I will list many easy ways to earn gold in wow classic.
Fishing is often a very neglected skill, as many players are annoyed by the constant "staring at the blinker". But it's worth the while: Once you have reached higher fishing levels, you sell rare fish for a decent fee in the auction house.
For example, Alchemists need these fish:
Nightfin Snapper
Nightfin Soup
Stonescale Oil
Stonescale Eel
From this, they make basic materials. Chefs love to fish and shellfish of all kinds to make buff food. If you want to learn to cook yourself, fish is the cheapest resource - they only cost you time and patience.
On the side, you can fish very well. Here we fish in the wreckage, of which there are resources that you can not collect yourself, some bales of material or herbs.
In World of Warcraft, ‘farming’ is the process of repeatedly killing enemies, ideally in large groups, to ‘farm’ them for experience or loot.
If making money if your goal, then it’s the latter you’re most interested in. Whether it’s out in the world or within a dungeon, pulling groups of enemies, downing them with AOE, and repeating can net you both raw gold and a variety of items to sell.
When it comes to specifics, it’s going to be a case of what works best for you. You can blast through lower-level content alone, or group up to tackle tougher opponents. Some farming strategies aim for uncommon gear drops to sell on the auction house, while others will be more reliable in offering coin and crafting materials like cloth.
Some classes are stronger at farming than others – Mages particularly excel due to their huge range of AOE and kiting tools – and so your class choice will also influence what might be best to farm for you, and whether you group up or go it alone.
With so many potential locations in which to farm, it’s worth trying out a few different approaches without sinking too many hours into them initially to get a sense for what you find easiest, most enjoyable, and most profitable.
Farming is also a very effective levelling strategy if you’re working in content that’s within your level – either world monsters or dungeons with a group – so if you’re all about that endgame then it’s definitely worth considering along the way. For others, it might only come into play when you specifically need to make money for a big payment like a mount.
Hunt for Rare Mobs
Rares are plentiful in the game now. Not only can they drop gear, but they can also drop bags that have various resources for you to sell at the Auction House. Rare hunting is a challenge but is a lot of fun to do. For example, Pandaria has many rares, including rares that must be defeated using multiple players. Even though it's old content, it still can prove to be profitable. Many more benefits await if you pursue the full opportunities that rare spawns provide.
You can also do some of the older dungeons and raids to pick up rare items to sell on the auction house. With transmogrification, older gear can usually sell for a lot of gold. Plus there are pets, mounts, and other goodies to be had in the older dungeons and raids. Just make sure to read up on them to ensure you can solo them. Some of them are still hard, even for the most advanced players.
Bank Alts
If you are serious about making gold, a bank alt is essential. This is to save time as you level or farm with your main, you can just mail all the stuff that you want to sell on the Auction House to your alt.
Get your bank alt to level 5 and get the Enchanting Profession, so that you can disenchant gear. Some gear will make a lot more gold if you disenchant it.
Farming Dungeons
This option is better to use at level 40+. Higher level you are is better, more money you make then. All you do is farming dungeons or specific bosses. Here you kill a few birds with one stone: you get lots of experience (make sure you have all quests in your quest log, always ask your teammates to share) if you are still leveling; improve your current gear; and loads of loot (clothes, recipes, even crappy grey items selling for a lot to a vendor). If you are in a group, think about your groupmates if they need an item or not, don’t roll need on everything.
If you are playing a mage and have reached level 55 already, it’s good to start Dire maul East or Blackrock Depths solo farming. The only bad thing here is five dungeon resets limit per hour.
With a hunter at level 60 is good to go to Maraudon or Dire Maul North Tribute. Pick up enchanting for disenchanting skill to be able to loot unique items if you get them dropped, so you just disenchant the one you have already.
Consider, sometimes it is more profitable to make quick short runs in lower level dungeons than higher level area.
Always sell all items on Auction House. If you are not sure about its value, then check the market. There are some risks that item won’t be sold and you will lose money just putting it on Auction House. Good idea to make bank low level characters and keep everything there until the weekend. All sales increasing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Besides, you can advertise in a trade channel to inform people that an item you are selling has been put on Auction House.
Auction House
The auction house should be your second home. Sold there mainly between Friday and Sunday green (or better)Loot items and resources, as the weekend most players and potential buyers are on the go.
Bags, buff food, crafting supplies, and crafted armor made from specialty materials are always needed and can be sold well at not too exorbitant prices. Use an auction house add-on like "Auctioneer" to get an overview of popular prices and quickly find out where selling is most worthwhile.
So you get along when other players have set things very cheap compared to the average achievable price. Buy these and put them back into the auction house for a higher price. So you can also try to raise the base price for certain goods such as a particular craft resource and to monopolize the sale.
However, this requires a bit of patience, some capital, and regular visits! Alternatively, you play a twink as a pure banking character on level 5 and let him learn enchanting. Send this twink all the green items that you find in questing and do not need them yourself to disenchant them and put the collected materials into the auction house.
With our wow classic gold making guide&tips, you will earn more gold to help you enjoy the game, you also can buy some wow gold from the safe store, such as