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Research in recent years highlights how harmful sitting for long parts of the day is to overall health. To combat this, China Standing Desk were developed for office workers. However, there are wrong ways to stand that can negatively impact health. Here are some things to keep in mind while using a standing desk.

Adjust Your Monitor

When you stand, it’s important to adjust your computer monitor so that it’s in the right position. For good posture, your eyes should be looking at the top half of the monitor with a tilt. You also want to keep a fair distance between the screen and your eyes. Eyestrain could cause headaches and drowsiness throughout the workday.

Five Step Checklist to Find Your Perfect Monitor Position


Position the top of your monitor about as high as the top of your head so you look down slightly (about 20 degrees) to the center of the screen. If you've been thinking about posture a lot lately, you might be inclined to place it up high and stand at attention. That's not bad from time to time, but it can strain your neck, just like too much looking down.


The middle of the screen should be 1.5 to 3 feet away from your eyes, ideally on the longer end. Being able to stand back an additional couple feet throughout the day is also a good choice, but you don't want to be gazing into the distance all day—that can be just as straining as being too close.If you like standing at a distance, consider zooming in a little by decreasing your screen resolution.


Tilt the screen slightly back so it's perpendicular to your eyes. This is how your screen was meant to be viewed, after all. A slight screen tilt also helps reduce glare from overhead lights, or light sources behind you. Speaking of light...


Watch our for glare, especially as lighting changes throughout the day. Single-source lights can tire your eyes, as can high contrast between your screen and the rest of the room or a window. Although your screen may provide the only light you truly need in order to work, a dark room at the edges of your vision increases eye strain.

Contuodesk Sit Stand Desk Manufacturer offer a variety of options for today's modern office taking into consideration different options balanced with price point. There’s never been a better time to consider a sit-stand desk for your office environment. If you interested in CONTUO Desk please visit:
