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Heated tobacco - a new review looks at the risks and benefits

Switching from cigarettes to heated tobacco reduces exposure to harmful chemicals but more evidence is needed on how it affects our health, say PhD candidate Harry Tattan-Birch, Professor Jamie Brown (both UCL Epidemiology & Health) and Professor Jamie Hartmann-Boy.Get more news about Tobacco Heating Devices,you can vist our website!

Heated tobacco products are designed to heat tobacco without burning it or producing smoke. The popularity of these products soared in Japan after the release of an electronic device called IQOS in 2016. Heated tobacco products are now available in many countries, but questions remained about their effect on cigarette smoking and health, so we set out to review the evidence.

Our new review covers data from 11 studies with over 2,600 people. The headline finding is that people who switched from cigarettes to heated tobacco had lower levels of exposure to harmful chemicals than those who kept smoking, but higher levels of these toxins than those who stopped using tobacco altogether.

This lower exposure was found across a number of harmful substances linked to cancers, heart disease and respiratory problems. This means it is possible that switching from cigarettes to heated tobacco could reduce the odds of developing these diseases, but we don’t have enough data yet to be sure. The studies were all of short duration, and it typically takes a while for people to develop tobacco-related diseases.

That said, the evidence so far is consistent with how uniquely dangerous smoking is. We know that most of the harmful effects of cigarettes — which kill half of all regular smokers — come from inhaling toxic chemicals made by burning tobacco. As heated tobacco products are designed to avoid burning tobacco, we’d expect them to pose a lower risk.

Heated tobacco products could benefit public health if they reduce risk and help people stop smoking normal cigarettes, without attracting people who would otherwise avoid tobacco entirely.

We didn’t find any studies looking at whether giving smokers heated tobacco products helped them stop smoking. But we found two Japanese studies looking at how cigarette sales changed after IQOS entered the market. Both found that falls in cigarette sales sped up after the IQOS launch, suggesting that heated tobacco products might replace rather than complement cigarettes.

On the other hand, it is possible that sales of cigarettes fell because most people cut down without stopping altogether. The greatest improvements in health come from stopping smoking altogether rather than smoking fewer cigarettes.

E-cigarettes, or vapes, are another group of nicotine products that have become very popular in recent years. Heated tobacco products heat tobacco leaf, whereas e-cigarettes heat a liquid, typically containing nicotine. There are large differences in the science and regulation of these products. E-cigarettes have been on the market for longer than heated tobacco, so we have more evidence about their benefits and harms.

Unlike heated tobacco, e-cigarettes have been shown to help people stop smoking normal cigarettes. In the not-too-distant future, the UK may even offer e-cigarettes to those who wish to quit smoking, as long as the products pass the necessary regulatory hurdles.

AIDS drug taken before and after sex can help prevent HIV infection in gay men

For the first time, a study shows that a drug used to treat HIV infection also can help prevent it when taken before and after risky sex by gay men.To get more news about vigrx oil, you can visit vigrxplus-original.com official website.

The results offer hope of a more appealing way to help prevent the disease beyond taking daily pills and using condoms, although those methods are still considered best.

The study, done in France and Canada, is the first to test "on demand" use of Truvada, a pill combining two AIDS drugs, by people planning to have risky sex. The uninfected men who took it were 86 per cent less likely to get HIV compared to men given dummy pills.That impressed me," Dr. Scott Hammer said of the size of the benefit. He is an AIDS specialist at Columbia University in New York and heads the Retrovirus Conference going on in Seattle, where the results were discussed Tuesday.

Daily Truvada pills are used now to prevent HIV infection in people at high risk for it, and studies show the drug helps even when some doses are skipped. Health officials have been leery of billing it as a "chemical condom" out of fear that people will not use the best prevention methods, but many won't use condoms all the time or take daily pills.

The study of Gilead Science's Truvada was led by the French national HIV research agency.

Men were given fake or real Truvada and told to take two pills from two to 24 hours before sex, a third pill 24 hours later, and a fourth pill 48 hours after the first dose. The men also were given condoms and disease prevention counselling.

The study was stopped early, in November, after 400 men were enrolled and researchers saw that the drug was working; there were two new HIV infections among those on Truvada and 14 in those on dummy pills. The two infections in the Truvada group were in men who stopped using the pills after more than a year in the study.

The drug was safe, but nausea and diarrhea were more frequent among men who used it. Only one stopped using it because of side effects.

Dr. Susan Buchbinder, an AIDS specialist at the San Francisco Department of Public Health, called the results exciting but warned that it can't be assumed they would apply to male-female sex, because different types of sex expose partners to differing amounts of virus.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still recommends daily Truvada pills for prevention, and many men in the French study ended up taking them nearly that often because of how frequently they had sex, said the CDC's HIV prevention chief, Dr. Jonathan Mermin.

"We need all the options we can get" for preventing HIV infection, Mermin said. "People choose different prevention methods. What we want is for them to choose effective ones and to use them regularly."One advocate for wider use of prevention pills -- Damon Jacobs, a New York City psychotherapist -- agreed.

For years, the public health message was "condoms only, condoms only, condoms only," he said in a speech at the conference. "People are having sex for pleasure" and need alternate ways to reduce their risk, Jacobs said.

A second study presented at the conference by the U.K. Medical Research Council found that daily use of Truvada cut the risk of infection by 86 per cent in a "real world" test of gay men aware they were taking Truvada for HIV prevention.

Researchers assigned 545 gay men to get Truvada right away or a year later. The study was stopped in October after HIV infections occurred in only three men given Truvada but in 19 of those assigned to get it after a year.

Sexual Health Around the World

Sexual health was first addressed, albeit tentatively, by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1975, as "a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction, or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence."To get more news about vigrx oil, you can visit vigrxplus-original.com official website.

Sexual health involves understanding what sexual behavior entails, in terms of the risks, benefits, and responsibilities, as well as recognizing that human beings can have rewarding sexual relationships. It is affected by a range of cultural and demographic constructs, including health policies and practices.
Thinking and talking about sex
Attitudes towards what constitutes sexual health vary considerably the world over. At one extreme are those who define sexual pleasure as part of human freedom, which includes different types of sexual experience, while on the other are those who deny sexual pleasure to women.

Among the former, contraception is necessarily an essential facet. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) estimated, in 2021, that only a third of young people worldwide were aware of how to prevent the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Similarly, the knowledge of contraception is low in many regions.

In China, just over half of university students reported having ever received sex education. However, a new law that mandates this field of education is due to come into force in June 2021.

In India, many states did not permit sex education, but again, the government has enacted a national sex education program from 2018 onwards, covering sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This may reduce the rates of underage marriages and unexpected pregnancies, encouraging more children to complete their schooling.

The same is true for Uganda, with its 2018 sex education policy. In the US, about 60% and 43% of male and female adolescents in the USA said they were never told about contraception before their first sexual experience.

Similarly, up to 80% of young American women were never taught how to decline sex, and up to 70% said they were never trained to do so before their first sexual experience. Just over a quarter had learned how to say no, but not learned about birth control. Interestingly, almost 90% knew the facts about STIs and HIV.
Sexually transmitted infections
Having multiple sexual partners and unprotected sex is reflected in the development of over a million STIs, mostly asymptomatic, per day worldwide. Over 370 million new STIs occur each year caused by chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and trichomoniasis.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea cause a major share of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, and ectopic pregnancy. Over 500 million genital infections with type 1 herpes simplex virus (HSV1) are reported yearly. Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes over 570,000 cervical cancers per year and over 300,000 deaths. And hepatitis B caused fatal cirrhosis or cancer, leading to 800,000 deaths in 2019.

Syphilis is linked to a million infections during pregnancy, with over 350,000 adverse outcomes, including 200,000 stillbirths and neonatal deaths.

STIs cause infertility, cancers, pregnancy losses or complications, and a higher risk of HIV. Many of these pathogens are developing resistance to antimicrobials.

STIs are a source of shame and ostracism. Screening for STIs is often limited, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). People who seek such services may have to pay from their own pockets. These hindrances are greater for sexual minorities with many partners and high rates of STIs.

Overprescribing women results in widespread side effects

Anew study by University of Chicago and University of California, Berkeley researchers suggests that women are being widely overmedicated—and suffering excess side effects—because drug dosages are calculated based on studies done overwhelmingly on male subjects.To get more news about vigrx plus where to buy, you can visit vigrxplus-original.com official website.

“These drugs are optimized from the beginning to work on male bodies,” said Prof. Brian Prendergast, a UChicago psychologist and co-author of the study. “We need to immediately reevaluate the widespread practice of prescribing the same doses to men and women.”

Scientists and medical professionals have long known that women experience more adverse side effects than men, even when drug dosages are adjusted for body weight. These side effects can range from headaches and nausea to bleeding and seizures. But for decades, women were excluded from drug trials due to the false belief that hormone cycles would skew test results.

“For much of the time it’s been practiced, biomedical science has been done by men, on men,” said Prendergast. “It even starts in the petri dish: Most cell lines used in early tests are male, and then drugs are tested on male lab animals.”
.Since 1993, the National Institutes of Health has mandated that trials should be run on both men and women. They strengthened these requirements after a seminal study in 2014, coauthored by Prendergast, which showed that female mice’s hormone cycles did not skew drug test results.

However, a large proportion of studies still underrepresent women—and the trials that do include them often don’t analyze the data for sex differences, or even publish that data so that others can. In addition, thousands of drugs remain on the market that were approved before the 1993 ruling.

In the new study, published June 5 in the journal Biology of Sex Differences, Prendergast and co-author Irving Zucker of UC Berkeley combed through the publicly available data for clinical drug studies. They found 86 drugs for which there was clear evidence of sex differences in how the body broke down the drug. For nearly all of these drugs, women metabolized them more slowly than men, leading to higher levels of exposure to the drug; in 96% of cases, this resulted in significantly higher rates of adverse side effects in women.

The medications they studied include such common drugs as aspirin, morphine and heparin, and widely prescribed antidepressants such as sertraline and buproprion.

Every human body reacts slightly differently to any given drug. In women, the drugs tend to linger longer in the blood and tissues than they do in men, for example; the liver and kidneys also generally process drugs at different rates. This remains true even when the dosage is adjusted for the weight of the patient.

With ‘female Viagra’ coming

Now that a “female Viagra” could soon be on people’s nightstands, a cardiologist said older people, particularly women, should be aware that the bedroom is often the first place to detect early symptoms of heart disease.To get more news about where to buy vigrx plus, you can visit vigrxplus-original.com official website.

That’s particularly true for sedentary people whose only real physical activity is sexual intercourse, Laxmi Mehta, a cardiologist at Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center, said.

With the Food and Drug Administration’s approval this month of a medication designed to boost a woman’s waning libido, Mehta said couples should be on alert for five “bedroom symptoms” of possible heart disease.

These include snoring, experiencing heart palpitations while at rest and having chest pain during intercourse. For men, erectile dysfunction can signal underlying heart problems; for women, it’s hot flashes.While some of the symptoms are directly tied to sexual activity, others can appear first in the bedroom, precisely because people are at rest and can more readily detect subtle changes in their heartbeat, Mehta said. (Of course, this can be true of people who are just reading or watching television, too, she added.)

Hot flashes, for example, may signal that a woman is no longer producing estrogen, which has protective benefits for the heart, Mehta said.

Hot flashes generally occur after women go through menopause, which usually begins in a woman’s 50s. It can also occur in younger women who have undergone hysterectomies or whose ovaries cease producing the hormone because of other reasons. The reason it’s important in regard to cardiovascular health is that, until menopause begins, women have a lower risk of heart disease than men. About 10 years after the cessation of their menstrual periods, however, women’s risk of heart disease is about equal with men’s, Mehta said.
Experiencing hot flashes at an early age or during an accelerated menopause is therefore a good reason a woman should check up on her cardiac health, Mehta said. Plus, hot flashes occur more often at night for some women, she said.

Hot flashes in the bedroom is an important thing, and sometimes women having hot flashes is a reason women don’t like having intercourse, so it’s a bedroom issue,” Mehta said in an interview Friday.

For men, erectile dysfunction can sometimes be a telltale sign of heart disease, she said, as both conditions share some of the same symptoms. So a man who has trouble getting or maintaining an erection should be screened for cardiovascular health, she said.

For both sexes, snoring cannot only disturb one’s partner but also be a sign of underlying heart trouble. That’s because snoring is often linked to sleep apnea, which can contribute to high blood pressure and abnormal hearth rhythms that can trigger strokes or heart failure, she said.Snoring is sort of like a taboo topic. Nobody wants to talk about snoring, especially women. [They] never want someone to tell them they’re snoring,” Mehta said. “But it’s sometimes related to sleep apnea . . . So it’s an important to ask your partner, ‘Do I snore?’ ”

The bedroom can sometimes be the first place where people detect heart palpitations, she said. That’s because when people are up and about during the day, their hearts are beating more rapidly in general and they’re often preoccupied and don’t notice shifts to their heartbeat.

“I have a lot of patients — predominantly women, but men too — who complain that they feel fine, except when they lie down and want to go bed and they’re in a resting state and they notice their heart racing or skipping or pounding or flip-flopping,” Mehta said.

Dangerous Male Sex Pills

Sexual male enhancement, as the euphemism goes, is big business. Last year, Viagra, the pharmaceutical market leader, raked in about $2 billion.To get more news about vigrx plus results, you can visit vigrxplus-original.com official website.

That success has spawned a shadow industry of largely unregulated "natural male enhancement," or sex pill, products. But according to the FDA, some of these products aren't natural, aren't tested and some might even be dangerous.

Here's a list of 10 sex pill products the FDA issued health warnings about this year or told manufacturers to get them off the shelves.
Man Up Now" sounds like a pretty strong name for an "all natural" and "herbal" male enhancement product. But the FDA slammed those claims, warning consumers to "stop using them immediately."

The issue, says the agency, is the product uses "sulfoaildenafil, a chemical similar to sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra."

Like Viagra, sulfoaildenafil can have dangerous interactions with other prescription drugs such as nitrates, and can cause dangerously low blood pressure. But because consumers think they are taking a "natural" product they are usually not under a doctor's care.
Vigor-25 may be keeping hope alive for its users, but the FDA says the product marketed as a "natural dietary supplement to enhance male sexual performance," is really giving consumers a dose of sulfoaildenafil, a chemical similar to sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra.

"This product is dangerous to consumers because it claims to contain only natural ingredients when it actually contains a prescription drug ingredient," says the FDA's warning letter.
If patients want Viagra, they visit a doctor. If they want more Vitalex, they might consider a trip to a federal prison in Texas, where company founder Phu Tan Luong is serving a 10-year sentence for an unrelated Medicare fraud.

The FDA doesn't recommend hitting up Luong for pills, however. They say Vitalex's "all natural" and "herbal" concoction is really acetildenafil, another chemical similar to the drug in Viagra, but not tested.

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3D renderings allow homeowners and renovators to get a clear picture of what their renovation project or new construction will look like before they break ground or knock down a wall.
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What Is The Working Principle Of Wire Bending Machine?

One of the major products of the Autolink CNC machine is Wire bending. It consists of six major units/parts for ensuring the working process of the machine is efficient way.Get more news about Automatic Wire Bending Machine,you can vist our website!

These are the major units of the machine which enhance the working part of the Automatic cnc wire bending machine precisely. The automatic machine reduces the manpower to increase the productivity of the machine. The working of the machine is defined with the help of the machine’s parts.


It is one of the important parts of the machine. A CNC machine cannot work without the decoiler. It ensures to remove the tangles in the wire which has to be fed into the machines. The machine’s decoiler is externally connected to the machine.The loading capacity [loading weight] of this part is about 2 tonnages. Hence, if the power is turned ON, then the coiled wire will be decoiled and sent to the feeding box via a wire straightener.
Wire Straightener:
It simply removes the bend from the wire which has been sent from the decoiler and then sends that to the wire feeding box.
Wire Feeding Box:
The straightened wire is then sent to the feeding box which is attached to the suitable roller. The roller will be fixed according to the size and diameter of the wire. The wire feeding part is programmed concerning the working nature of the machines.
Wire Guide:
The wire guide part just sends the wire to the bending tool from the feeding box. The total distance of the guide is 800mm. The wire rotary is designed such that the part rotates for about 360°
Bending Tool:
The CNC machine designed the bending tool rotating for different R (radii) angles. The bending tool consists of inner and outer bending for framing the different formats effectively.
Cutting Tool:
Once the final bending formation is completed, the cutting tool is ensured to cut the wire and the sequence is continued for the same output.

Low pressure vs. high pressure water mist extinguishing system

Low-pressure and high-pressure water mist extinguishing systems are an equally efficient but also environmentally friendly alternative to classic sprinkler systems in many areas of application. In particular, the lower water requirement reduces both the extinguishing water supply and possible damage in the event of a triggering. In addition, this also reduces the pump size and the electrical connected load, especially in low-pressure systems.Get more news about high and low pressure components wholesaler,you can vist our website!

High-pressure water mist extinguishing systems work with an operating pressure of up to 200 bar. Consequently, a very fine water mist with a droplet size of 50 µm results. Thus, the reaction surface of the water is enormously large, which considerably reduces the extinguishing water consumption.

Both low-pressure and high-pressure mist extinguishing systems take advantage of extremely small water droplets. This makes them a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional sprinkler and gas extinguishing systems.

The mode of operation of low-pressure and high-pressure water mist extinguishing systems is very similar. In addition, low-pressure has the same performance as high-pressure water mist extinguishing systems. For example, both systems meet the requirements of DIN EN 14972 based on fire tests.

What are three key performance needs for HVAC/harsh environment connectors?

Connectors are complex assemblies whose performance is based on interactions of materials with electrical, mechanical, and environmental factors. Extensive testing is required to ensure proper performance and numerous industry standards have been developed for that purpose.Get more news about Harsh Environment Connector,you can vist our website!

This FAQ reviews 13 tests across three key performance indicators for connectors including electrical, mechanical, and environmental considerations for connectors used in heating ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and other harsh environments. Some aspects of materials testing for connectors are discussed in the FAQ on “What’s the difference between needle flame and glow wire testing?”

Testing is the cornerstone for quantifying the performance of connectors in challenging environments. Three key areas are:

Electrical tests: the impact of high current and temperature rise poses challenges to components. Testing should evaluate wet insulation resistance, current carrying, impulse withstand, contact resistance, and other factors.

Mechanical tests: flexion testing, conductor pullout, cold impact, protection against contact, and low-level contact resistance are several of the basic mechanical considerations.

Environment tests: degree of protection, vibration, humidity, corrosion, and temperature shock, including highly accelerated life test (HALT) and highly accelerated stress screen (HASS) testing.

Whether testing is performed in-house or at an independent laboratory, the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, should be met. Accreditation is mandatory for testing performed as part of regulatory compliance. The need for accreditation applies to all types of tests including electrical, mechanical, environmental, and so on.
Contact resistance is a basic connector performance specification. Bulk resistivity, or intrinsic resistance, describes the resistance of a material of a given size and area. Contact resistance, on the other hand, describes the resistance experienced when two conductors come into contact (Figure 1). IEC-60352-5 requires that contact resistance testing should be carried out using the millivolt level method specified by IEC 60512-2-1. Contact resistance is a complex phenomenon and is affected by constriction, film resistance, and stress relaxation. Constriction describes the narrowing of the true contact surface when two materials meet. Film resistance is the resistance created by unwanted resistive material (film) on the surface of the contact. Contact deformation can occur over time changing the shape of the contact as a result of stress relaxation.

Current carrying capacity should be measured in accordance with IEC 60512‑5‑2. Current carrying capacity is limited by the insulating parts of the connector housing and the thermal properties of the contact materials. It is dependent on the ambient temperature and self-heating of the contacts. The tests quantify carrying capacity versus ambient temperature.

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