herb2burt's blog

The first thing you need to remember when using Instagram for business purposes and being in a position to schedule Instagram postings is the fact that you need to upgrade your account to a corporate account. Instagram automatische likes

When you have a business Instagram accounts, they gain access to numerous features that aren't available on the personal platform. So do that right away, then proceed with the remaining steps.

Tools You Can Use

There are many tools can be used to schedule Instagram posts. are excellent platforms to use. You can upload the information using your laptop or PC, or you can employ a virtual assistant help you with it. There is no need to distribute individual posts via your phone anymore. If you have a business account, you can just use your scheduling program to schedule every post. However, you'll have to make use of your phone to complete the process if you are publishing photo albums or videos.

Engage Your Followers

While you're able to utilize tools to schedule posts on Instagram using your smartphone but you need to make it a point to interact the people you follow. You shouldn't not check Instagram and comment to people who post comments about you or to respond to posts of others, even though you can plan your posts using your computer. Remember that social media is all about engaging. Engage.

Instagram Automation

There are some companies that claim to automate the process of gaining more followers and shares on your behalf. However, the reality is that this is a bad idea. While it might seem fun to automatically follow and like people who post comments on your blog or make use of a hashtag you have created the best way to accomplish this is to personal. If you really want an active and genuine following, then do it yourself or request your VA to take care of it for you. Otherwise you could even get a blocked account. Instagram automatische likes

Don't Spam Your Audience

Instagram is very skilled in removing spammers. So, you want to be careful about appearing spammy. If you have a lot of photos from the same event, you can post them as an album. Plus, try to offer free content that you do not promote. They say that you should promote only once after three posts. So, post useful content three times and after the fourth time, promote. It's a good guideline.

Avoid Scheduling Content Too Far Out

If you schedule your posts too far out, you may end up accidentally offending people. However, if you are attentive to the news and make sure to stop your schedule, you might be saved in the event of something happening. Be extremely cautious about any kind of scheduled blog post that might be misinterpreted on a bad day.

Be sure to review your content prior to scheduling or publishing. Check that you don't have errors, and also ensure that there is nothing is wrong with your image which could be interpreted in the wrong way, or something you don't want out there. Be consistent in posting, use the appropriate hashtags, and follow your followers.
