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外匯天眼App訊 :   直接打著外匯交易旗號的詐騙已經防不勝防,近日又湧現了一批復合型詐騙方式,明明自己是衝著其他目的想賺錢的,怎麼最後被誘導著去炒外匯了呢?而這樣的復合型詐騙就是為了欺騙這些根本不懂外匯交易的投資者,利用高昂的利息回報誘導開戶入金,最後的結局就是被騙了!To get more news about RediMax, you can visit official website.

Технический анализ Ethereum - 22 сентября 2021 г.

Криптовалюта Ethereum сегодня резко развернулась вверх от сильной комбинированной зоны поддержки, лежащей на пересечении следующих уровней поддержки: ключевой уровень поддержки 2800.00 (бывшее сильное сопротивление от мая и июня), нижняя дневная полоса Боллинджера, линия поддержки дневного нисходящего канала от начала сентября и 50% коррекция Фибоначчи резкого восходящего ценового импульса от середины июля.To get more news about криптовалюта, you can visit official website.
  Разворот от этой зоны поддержки остановил предыдущую краткосрочную импульсную волну ABC коррекции 2 от начала сентября. В настоящее время цена формирует дневную разворотную фигуру японских свечей Проникающая Линия - сильный сигнал на покупку данной криптовалюты.
  Учитывая улучшение настроений на рынках криптовалют сегодня и близость к вышеупомянутой зоне поддержки, можно ожидать, что криптовалюта Ethereum продолжит расти до следующего уровня сопротивления на 3100,00 (бывшая поддержка, которая несколько раз развернула Ethereum с конца августа).

BSP predicted to remain on hold this week – UOB

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is seen keeping the policy rate on old at 2.00% later in the week, noted Lee Sue Ann, Economist at UOB Group.To get more news about Philippines: BSP predicted to remain on hold this week – UOB, you can visit official website.
  Key Quotes
  “An acceleration in the national vaccination program is the key to sustain the economic recovery in the near term, in addition to ongoing implementation of targeted fiscal stimulus measures and steady monetary policy support.”
  “Therefore, we believe that BSP will continue to press the pause button on rates for the rest of the year.”

Best CFD Trading Platform for Beginners

A trading platform is an essential tool for those who wish to do this kind of trading. But what really is it, and how can you determine which is the best CFD trading platform?To get more news about Trading Platform, you can visit official website.
  Simply put, the trading platform is the tool or software that will provide you with access to market data and the ability to participate in the market.
  The best CFD trading platforms generally offer things such as twenty-four-hour trading and real-time updates. If you are using a platform that a company customizes, it will likely be tailored to suit the type of investment account you have with them.
  They may regulate the minimum number of trades you can do, and some limit your access to certain kinds of contracts that they deemed appropriate for you based on your experience or account level.
In reality, however, the determination of the best CFD trading platform is an individual choice. What suits an experienced trader may simply confuse someone who just wants to see where his money is going. Not only do you need to know what you want to monitor, but you must also think about the levels of access you have with this platform.
  Can you make decisions on your account, or are you simply allowed viewing access? Should you be allowed to change activity on the account? If you are entering the trade for the first time, the best CFD trading platform may seem to be one where you have full control. However, what if you do something wrong?
  These are serious considerations. If you are comfortable trading on your own, does the platform limit when you can trade? For example, if trading is only allowed during market hours, but you are only available outside of those hours, then the platform is useless to you. The best CFD trading platform will be one tailored to your needs, wants and lifestyle.
  If it provides too few options or confuses you with details you dont understand, you will likely become frustrated over time. The platform is the center of all trading so ensure that yours is the best CFD trading platform for you.


最近出回り始めた暗号資産に関する詐欺は非常に巧妙だ。暗号通貨に挑戦する初心者もベテラン投資家も、ハッカーが仕掛ける様々な手口に用心しなければいけない。To get more news about ブロックチェーン, you can visit official website.
  スウェーデンの中央銀行は、2019年12月「e-Krona」と法定デジタル通貨(Central Bank Digital Currency :CBDC)のe-krona(e-クローナ)の導入を計画し、試験運用を発表した。しかし、ハッカーは政府が発行予定の偽コインを作成し、発行した。
  そして、詐欺集団が発行した偽コインの情報が、スウェーデン政府がe-クローナとは無関係であることを公表する前に、有名なビジネスサイトに掲載された。また、信頼できるものに見せるため財務アドバイザーに扮してフィッシングサイトで販売した。さらに、1ユーロの投資が数カ月後には4,307ユーロの価値になるという宣伝文句と4000%以上のROI (Return on Investment:投資利益率)を掲載していたのである。この記事はFacebookで宣伝され、投資家に不正なバージョンのコインを購入できると思い込ませてしまったのだ。

Bappebti blokir lagi broker broker nakal tanpa izin di Agustus 2021

Selama bulan Agustus 2021, Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (Bappebti) Kementerian Perdagangan telah memblokir 249 domain situs web entitas di bidang perdagangan berjangka.To get more news about Penipuan investasi, you can visit official website.
  Pemblokiran ini melengkapi kinerja Bappebti sebagai pengawas perdagangan berjangka komoditi, yang sejak Januari hingga Agustus 2021 mencatat telah memblokir sebanyak 954 domain.
  Kepala Bappebti Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana menjelaskan, pemblokiran di bulan Agustus 2021 ini menjadi yang terbanyak dibandingkan bulan-bulan sebelumnya. Menurut dia, banyak domain yang membuat penawaran, iklan, serta promosi mengenai PBK tanpa izin Bappebti.
  “Pemblokiran di bulan Agustus 2021 ini menjadi yang terbanyak sepanjang 2021. Pengawasan dan pengamatan ini bertujuan untuk mencegah adanya kerugian masyarakat. Hal ini mengingat saat ini banyak modus baru yang muncul untuk menarik masyarakat agar tergiur mengikuti investasi di bidang PBK tanpa perlu memperhatikan pentingnya memiliki pengetahuan tentang mekanisme trading di PBK,” kata Wisnu, dalam laporannya yang dirilis hari ini (19/9).
Plt. Kepala Biro Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan Penindakan Bappebti M. Syist menambahkan, selain terpantau menggunakan modus-modus lama, sejumlah entitas yang diblokir tersebut juga terpantau menggunakan modus baru.
  Lebih lanjut Syist bilang, modus yang paling baru adalah penawaran paket investasi forex berkedok penjualan robot trading melalui paket-paket investasi dengan menggunakan sistem member get member.
  Namun secara umum, seperti halnya entitas-entitas yang pernah diblokir Bappebti sebelumnya, entitas-entitas yang diblokir saat ini masih menjalankan modus-modus yang sudah sering digunakan.
  “Biasanya menawarkan investasi berkedok forex dengan menjanjikan fixed income dalam bentuk paket-paket investasi dengan mendompleng legalitas pialang berjangka yang memiliki izin usaha dari Bappebti, menjadi introducing broker (IB) dari pialang luar negeri, penawaran binary optionatas kontrak komoditas seperti emas, dan kontrak mata uang,” ungkap Syist.
  Syst menambahkan, Bappebti tidak akan lelah mengimbau masyarakat untuk lebih jeli dalam memilih investasi di bidang PBK. Ia menghimbau agar selalu pastikan legalitas dari pialang berjangka yang menawarkan investasi dan jangan mudah tergiur dengan penawaran investasi yang memberikan iming-iming keuntungan pasti di luar batas kewajaran yang didapatkan dalam waktu singkat.


Mô hình AB=CD (AB=CD Pattern) là cấu trúc giá có bốn điểm và ba xu hướng hoặc biến động giá liên tiếp. Mô hình AB=CD được xem là loại mô hình Harmonic đơn giản nhất được sử dụng phổ biến trong Forex và có thể được áp dụng cho tất cả các thị trường trong mọi khung thời gian. Mô hình AB=CD giúp nhà đầu tư xác định vị trí và thời điểm vào và ra khi giao dịch.To get more news about mô hình harmonic là gì, you can visit official website.
  Đặc điểm nhận biết Mô hình AB=CD
  Mô hình AB=CD là một mô hình Harmonic có 4 điểm riêng biệt được ký hiệu: A, B, C, D tương ứng với 3 xu hướng giá. Mỗi mô hình AB=CD có cả 2 phiên bản tăng và giảm. Mô hình AB=CD tăng (Bullish AB=CD) giúp xác định các cơ hội có xác suất cao hơn để mua. Mô hình AB=CD giảm (Bearish AB=CD) giúp báo hiệu các cơ hội để bán.
  Mỗi điểm ngoặt (A, B, C và D) thể hiện mức cao đáng kể hoặc mức thấp đáng kể trên biểu đồ giá. Những điểm này xác định ba dao động giá liên tiếp hoặc xu hướng, tạo nên mỗi trong ba “chân” của mô hình AB=CD và được gọi là chân AB, chân BC và chân CD.
Trong quá trình di chuyển từ A đến B, không được có điểm cao nào ở trên điểm A và không có điểm thấp nào ở dưới điểm B
  · Sau đó tìm BC
  Điểm C phải thấp hơn điểm A
  Trong quá trình di chuyển từ B lên C, không được có mức thấp nào dưới điểm B và không có mức cao nào trên điểm C
  Điểm C lý tưởng sẽ là 61,8% hoặc 78,6% AB
  Trong các thị trường có xu hướng mạnh, BC có thể chỉ bằng 38,2% hoặc 50% AB
  · Tìm được BC, thì vẽ CD
  Điểm D phải thấp hơn điểm B (thị trường đạt được mức thấp mới thành công)
  Trong quá trình di chuyển từ C xuống D, không được có đỉnh nào ở trên điểm C và không có đỉnh nào ở dưới điểm D
  Xác định nơi D có thể hoàn thành (giá)
  § CD có thể bằng AB về giá
  § CD có thể bằng 127,2% hoặc 161,8% AB về giá
  § Giá CD có thể là 127,2% hoặc 161,8% BC
  · Xác định thời điểm điểm D có thể hoàn thành (thời gian) để xác nhận bổ sung
  § CD có thể bằng AB trong thời gian
  § CD có thể là 61,8% hoặc 78,6% thời gian của AB
  § CD có thể là 127,2% hoặc 161,8% thời gian của AB
  · Tìm kiếm đường, mô hình, điểm hội tụ xu hướng
  · Theo dõi khoảng cách giá hoặc wide-ranging bars/nến tại chân CD, đặc biệt khi thị trường tiếp cận điểm D
Có thể hiểu đây là những dấu hiệu của một thị trường có xu hướng mạnh tiềm năng và kỳ vọng sẽ thấy phần mở rộng giá 127,2% hoặc 161,8%

USD/CAD regains upside momentum after marking two-day losses.

Upside break of 50-HMA, weekly falling trend line joins firmer Momentum line to favor buyers.To get more news about fxdd, you can visit official website.
  200-HMA, 61.8% Fibonacci retracement restrict bears entry before fortnight-old support line.
  USD/CAD pierces short-term key hurdle to the north as bulls attack 1.2800 threshold, up 0.14% intraday near 1.2795 during early Thursday.
  In addition to a sustained break of 50-HMA and weekly descending trend line breakout, a firmer Momentum line adds to the bullish bias for the USD/CAD.
  Hence, 1.2850 is on the cards ahead of the monthly top near 1.2900.
  However, any further upside past 1.2900 will not hesitate to challenge the yearly peak of 1.2949.
  Alternatively, the resistance-turned-support near 1.2785 restricts immediate downside of the USD/CAD prices ahead of the 200-HMA level surrounding 1.2715.
  Also challenging the USD/CAD sellers is 61.8% Fibonacci retracement of September 10-20 upside, as well as a two-week-old horizontal area, respectively near 1.2700 and 1.2695.

Biden to Nominate Crypto critic as Top Bank Regulator

Cornell University Professor Saule Omarova has criticized cryptocurrencies in the past.To get more news about fsca, you can visit official website.
  The U.S. President is reportedly moving forward with the nomination of a crypto critic to run a federal bank regulator.
  The Biden administration intends to nominate Cornell University Professor Saule Omarova to be the next Comptroller of the Currency, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday. The administration was first rumored to be vetting Omarova last month.
  A spokesperson for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency did not immediately return a request for comment.
  Omarova has criticized the existing bank structure and cryptocurrencies in recent years, according to the Bloomberg report. She has advocated for having the U.S. central bank provide consumer banking services, rather than existing private banks.
  In a 2019 paper called New Tech v. New Deal: Fintech as a Systemic Phenomenon, Omarova wrote that fintech, including cryptocurrencies, is changing how financial transactions and services in the U.S. operate, but took a critical tone to the idea that cryptocurrencies or fintech at large may “‘revolutionize’ the provision of financial services.”
  “Bitcoin‘s amazing journey from an obscure techno-utopian experiment to Goldman Sachs’ market-making books and institutional investors portfolios is also fascinating in a deeper sense,” she wrote. “It provides a vivid example of how fintech technology can be, and is used to synthesize tradable financial assets effectively out of thin air.”
  If nominated and confirmed, Omarova will be the first full-term Comptroller since Joseph Otting, who headed up the federal bank regulator between 2017 and 2020. Former Acting Comptroller Brian Brooks took over the regulator last year, overseeing a handful of guidance letters and conditional approvals allowing crypto companies to have greater access to banking services and letting banks interact more closely with cryptocurrencies.
  Since May, the regulator has been run by Michael Hsu, who called cryptocurrencies innovative but warned the industry has to be more realistic about what it is doing and how.
  “Those in traditional finance may laugh at this. But crypto/DeFi is able to pose a threat to the status quo because many people feel ignored, taken for granted, or exploited by banks,” Hsu said in a presentation with the Blockchain Association on Tuesday.
  He advised crypto companies to present both the potential benefits and the drawbacks to different projects in the sector, likening crypto to “fools gold” due to the number of scams and fraudulent projects in the space.
  “I strongly support the goal of increasing financial inclusion,” he said. “It is difficult to see how the current set of activities is achieving that goal however. How is crypto … making it less expensive to be poor? How is it helping to expand access to these banking services?”

Everything You Need to Know Before You Buy Color Contact Lenses

Thinking about buying color contact lenses? Great! There are just a few things you need to know before you buy. Colored contacts have a range of tints, wearing schedules and care requirements. Read on to find out everything you need to know to choose the right ones for you!To get more news about davincitech, you can visit official website.

Color Contact Lenses: What Are They?
Color contact lenses are any lenses that alter the appearance of your eyes. Some completely transform the color, while others offer only a subtle change.

Contact lens technology is very advanced. Some brands of colored contacts can add a sparkle effect to your eyes or make your irises appear larger. They can also be both a cosmetic accessory and a medical device. This means that they’re available with vision correction or plano (no corrective power).

Lenses With Visibility Tint
Contacts with a visibility tint will not change the color of your eyes. This is simply a clever feature that makes your contact lenses easier to see. Visibility tints are usually pale green or blue. If you’ve ever dropped your contact lens, you’ll understand how useful this feature is.

Some visibility tints are only applied to one side of the contact, so you can see which is the inside and which is the outside. This is particularly useful if you’re a new user and struggle to put in your contact lenses. Contacts with a visibility tint are suitable for any eye color because once the lens is in the eye, the tint isn’t visible.

Lenses With Enhancement Tint
Enhancement tinted lenses are on the subtle end of the colored contact scale. These won’t exactly change the natural color of your eyes, but they’ll intensify it. The iris of your eye (the colored part) is not a solid block of color. It’s made up of flecks of color in different shades. Enhancement tints mimic your eyes’ natural details.

Naturelle Elegant Brown contacts are one example of enhancement tinted lenses. Its tinted circle makes your iris appear more defined and your eye seem larger. As an added benefit, all Naturelle lenses have microencapsulation technology. This technology forms a barrier between the tinted part of the lens and your eye, lessening the risk of irritation.

Lenses With Color Tint
Any lens that transforms your eyes from one color to another is a color tinted contact. These are opaque and completely cover your natural irises. As a result, green-eyed people can get blue eyes for a day, and vice versa. It’s challenging to make darker eyes lighter, but some lenses are opaque enough to make brown eyes a sparkling blue or green.To sell contacts in the United States, it’s a legal requirement that you obtain a prescription. This is true even if you have perfect vision and want to buy plano lenses. Your eyes are unique and badly fitting lenses can cause serious damage.

Each year around Halloween, sellers flood the market with cosmetic or decorative lenses. Cat eye, blackout, and red or white zombie effect lenses are common. Many of these sellers don’t ask for prescriptions and claim the lenses are “one-size-fits-all”. This is a red flag.

Non-prescription color contacts can damage your eyes. If they don’t fit properly, they can irritate or scratch your corneas. This opens your eyes up to serious bacterial infections that, if left untreated, can harm your vision.

Colored contact lenses that change the appearance of your eyes in an extreme way are also dangerous. For example, scleral lenses that cover the entire white areas of your eyes. These contacts can starve your eyes of oxygen, which can have serious complications. Many ophthalmologists notice a huge spike in ocular emergency room cases around Halloween due to improper use of colored contacts.

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