cgradeb's blog

Mistakes made by beginner aspirants of RBI Grade B (for Phase 2 Part of exam):

Most of Indian's have mob mentality. Without analysing anything, they will start blindly following others. Similar is the case of Beginner Aspirants of RBI Grade B. Most of them are misguided. They will read various posts in social media and will purchase some books or after watching attractive advertisements they will purchase the higher priced courses dumped with heavy content. Most of the Online platforms will dump the heavy content to sell their courses at higher prices which can be covered in six months or more time, think and tell when you will revise this content or will you be able to revise after Phase I as gap between Phase I and Phase 2 exam will be 15-25 days only. Only specific content can be studied or revised in such a short period.

One thing every aspirant should keep in their mind that specific content and proper guidance are required to crack this exam. 

First mistake: They will purchase and start studying following books:

  • Ramesh Singh for ESI 
  • Bharati Pathak for Finance
  • Prasanna Chandra for Finance
  • S.P.Robbins for Management

2nd mistake:  they will spend Rs. 10000-15000 on online courses

Following sources are useful for beginner Aspirants who are preparing at their own and have enough time to search and study:

  • For ESI & Finance: Indian Economy by Vivek Singh (purchase from Amazon or Flipkart or pdf freely available in his telegram Channel): Very much Helpful for non-economics/non-finance background students as explanations are given in Layman language and most of the topics including descriptive part are covered as per RBI Grade B syllabus.
  • Finance: RBI Functions pdf, RBI circulars, RBI and SEBI websites : Cover all the relevant topics as mentioned in syllabus: Money Market, Capital Market, Bond Market from relevant chapters of RBI functions book , RBI FAQs, RBI Circulars etc.
  • For Primary and Secondary Market Basics: SEBI/BSE/NSE/ ZERODHA/ICICIDIRECT/FIMMDA websites:

ZERODHA/ICICIDIRECT websites are very much useful to understand basics of primary market, secondary market, derivatives etc. in layman language. Also you can cover various terminology of securities market from SEBI/NSE/BSE//FIMMDA websites.

  • Management & Ethics: L. M. Prasad (Principle of Management & Organization Behaviour): Explanation is in layman language and you can easily cover all syllabus topics. Ethics from ICAI materials. Also, you can supplement with this website
  • Important Schemes from relevant ministry websites (see this YouTube video on schemes)
  • Current Affairs: cover last 4-5 months current affairs from PIB and newspapers like Business Standard or Mint and Indian Express or you can follow any one of UPSC websites for Phase 2 current Affairs only. Don’t study sports, science technology, defence etc news for Phase 2. (See this analysis to focus on specific topics in current affairs)
  • Reports: reports based on social issues, finance, economy of NITI AAYOG, NSO, RBI & any other report from Govt. institutions. Also reports of IMF, WB, ADB, OECD, WTO, WEF & various UN agencies: cover content relevant to India based on social issues, finance, economy related reports of these organizations. RBI circulars of last 6 months are very important.
  • Budget and Economic survey highlights: Cover these from any UPSC website
  • For numerical part cover basic topics like time value of money, various Interest calculation formulas, EMI calculation, important financial ratios relevant to banking sector, break even, EOQ. Don’t spend much time on numerical part as numerical are not the part of phase 2 paper since last two exams.
  • If any topic you are not able to find then google it or search in YouTube, ample of sources available in google and YouTube and you can find it with little efforts.
  • If you don’t want to prepare yourself then you can subscribe our content as we are providing most specific content at most economic prices.

  • Read Also:- SBI grade A
