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If you're an author working independently, writing your book is step one or two in the process – step two if you do advance research and identify a target audience first. By the time you get to book fulfillment services, you will have found a cover designer, worked with an editor, and hired a publicist. If it sounds like a lot, they are all functions handled by the publishing house if you go the traditional route. Business and profit-minded authors today may choose to remain independent for various reasons. If you do, you need a professionally printed book to compete with the bigger guys.

Print-on-demand services may also be on your radar. It can work if you're publishing a text-heavy book that will do well in a standard trim size with no customization. But before you sign on the dotted line, closely examine the templates and what is/is not available. On-demand printing means you won't be selling in stores, which is a limitation. Many books today benefit significantly from design modifications that allow them to remain store and shelf-friendly while being more unique. If you'd like to sell your book in brick-and-mortar stores, it will be surrounded by titles from other authors – competition!

When you work with a conventional book printer, ideally a full-service one, compare their price and quality. The combination equals value, which is the most crucial consideration. For example, paying a low price for lower quality is not much of a deal. But if you find someone working at a higher quality for an affordable price, you're getting a better value for your printing dollar. You may also want specific cover stock, inside paper, or a unique binding like spiral or wire-o. They can make your book stand out if appropriate for your genre -- check the competition before you decide.

Knowing that most book sales are in print (around 80 percent), you'll want to emphasize your published copies. There are many excellent reasons to have eBook and audiobook editions, but the emphasis remains on what you publish. It's the main reason to take printing and book design seriously. Fulfilling orders is the flip side, and finding a printer with warehousing and logistics capabilities also matters. People today are spoiled by quick shipping and have high expectations. You also want to take advantage of economical postage rates for books. A knowledgeable fulfillment house can help. 

Business Name – Acutrack, Inc

Address – 350 Sonic Ave, Livermore, CA 94551

Phone Number - 888-234-3472