In simple terms, Tripods represent Lost Ark's skill-upgrade system. They allow you to modify your abilities as Lost Ark Gold you see appropriate, and improve how they work in a variety of ways. They can increase damage or affect Critical Chance, increase the speed of attack or casting and reduce Mana costs, increase Debuffs, and many other possibilities.
It's known by the Tripod system because there are three levels of upgrades available, and you're only able to select one upgrade for each level. This is also a reference to Tripod Studios, the developers of Lost Ark, Tripod Studios which is the name of their logo that appears within the game as part of the system.
Tripods can be a complicated and intimidating system for those who aren't used to it. It's usually the most daunting component of the Lost Ark Skill system. However, there's an easy and quick way to determine the best practices and which ones don't work for your group to set up a really effective Tripod Combos.
Each level of Tripod is released when the appropriate number of points are incorporated into the skill. When a skill is level 4. it is granted the ability to access their Tier 1 Tripod. These are usually minor effects such as Attack Speed, Meter Gain or MP Cost Reduction as in the previous example. When they reach level 7. they gain the ability to use their Level 2 Tripod. They typically have stronger damage effects such as Debuffs, Damage effects, or AoE Enhancements, like the example above.
At level 10. players get access to their Tripod they gain access to the Tier 3 Tripod. The Tripod can alter a ability quite significantly. In the example above, the left option boosts the cooldown, however it transforms an Cheapest Lost Ark Gold AoE that is stationary to a moving one. The alternative on the right is a massive damage boost, but without extra penalty.
The Wall