8 Ways Facebook Destroyed My Caps Without Me Noticing from harismaryamnawaaz's blog

Insanont Here’s a humorous take on how Facebook might have subtly led you to abandon proper capitalization:

### 8 Ways Facebook Destroyed My Caps Without Me Noticing

1. **Casual Comment Culture**: With everyone posting casual, lowercase comments, I started blending in, and caps slowly vanished from my vocabulary.

2. **Auto-Generated Memories**: Facebook’s automated memory posts often come with lowercase captions, and I unconsciously followed suit.

3. **Messenger Madness**: Quick, informal chats on Facebook Messenger made typing in lowercase more convenient, and caps became an afterthought.

4. **Group Think**: In Facebook groups where everyone posts in a laid-back style, I found myself mirroring the trend—goodbye caps!

5. **Endless Scrolling Syndrome**: Scrolling through endless posts left me too tired to reach for the shift key when I finally posted something myself.

6. **Meme Influence**: With memes often using all-lowercase text for comedic effect, I adopted the style without realizing it.

7. **Auto-Correct Sabotage**: Facebook’s auto-correct feature sometimes “helpfully” changed my intended caps to lowercase, and I didn’t notice until it was too late.

8. **Tagging Turmoil**: When tagging friends in posts, I got so focused on their usernames that I neglected to capitalize the rest of my sentences.

This list humorously explores how the informal nature and features of Facebook might subtly influence someone to abandon proper capitalization habits.



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By harismaryamnawaaz
Added Aug 17 '24



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