The complete OSRS Sand Crabs Training Guide from JeansKeyzhu's blog

The Rock Golem pet is one animal that is available for purchase when mining ore. The most efficient method of OSRS gold acquiring this living rock is making use of Blast Mining or the Motherlode Mine as well as Blast Mining.

You will not only gain plenty of mining experience through these quick Mining-related training techniques, but you'll also stand a chances of getting the pet, and making gold in the process. Talk about killing three birds in one shot.

Tips on Getting OSRS Pets

How to insure pets

Pets are protected through the payment of Probita 500k coins per pet. In the event of death of the player pets can be returned in exchange for one million OSRS gold.

Where can you insure pets?

Probita is the owner of the bureau for pet insurance located in East Ardougne. All pet owners should ensure the safety of their pets as otherwise, the pets could be forever lost forever.

Free-to-Play Pet

The tiny web-like spider Eek can be the sole F2P animal that can be found in the game. It was released in the Halloween event of 2018. It is located in the graveyard that is small near Rimmington in addition to Port Sarim. The most terrifying aspect of the spider is the fact that it is able to communicate...

P.S. You can also make use of this as weapon to get maximum scares. Be sure to provide your RuneScape girlfriend a good scare!

Final Thoughts On the Pets in RuneScape

We've got nothing to say within this OSRS Pet Guide!

There are of course other pets that you can get. The ones listed here are the easiest to obtain and we advise you to start by catching them first to get inspired and stay in the pursuit of the entire pack!

Was swept away by the idea of hunting for a pet, and realized that you've plenty of gold?

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OSRS Sand Crabs Training Guide How To Reach The Island

Combat is an integral aspect in Old School RogueScape. It is essential for almost all players to practice it at a certain level, and some want to be the best at it.

In the world of Gielinor is full of creatures that cause trouble and want to be killed. The only issue is that they're often not suitable for certain types of players.

Perhaps they throw away low-quality objects, or they're very difficult to get rid of or they are themselves risky and, while they can be killed quickly and easily, a misstep can result in a respawning Lumbridge.

The complete OSRS Sand Crabs Training Guide

The OSRS Sand Crab Training Guide will concentrate on the reverse one - a creature which is simple to kill and is a great candidate for training in Combat.

Sand Crab Training for Beginners

Sand Crabs are a effective training method for those who require an AFK Training method for combat, be it due to working or training their other while also engaging in an OSRS gold money-making method in OSRS GP conjunction with their primary.

Sand Crabs are basically damage sponges. They have very high Hitpoints for their levels however, they hit very little. The minimum amount of damage, in fact, the Sand Crab's maximum damage is 1 HP.

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By JeansKeyzhu
Added Jul 29 '24



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