Understanding Hindi's Possessive Usage from EnglishtoHindis's blog

At EnglishtoHindis, we think it's important to make difficult linguistic topics simple. Effective communication in Hindi requires an understanding of the use of Possessive meaning in Hindi. Suffixes appended to nouns in Hindi are used to denote possessive connections. To indicate possession, for example, the terms "ka," "ki," and "ke" are frequently employed.

Let's examine it in more detail. To say "my book" in Hindi, you would say "meri kitaab" (
मेरीकिताब), where "kitaab" means book and "meri" denotes possession. In the same way, "your car" would be "tumhari gaadi" (तुत्हारीगाड़ी), where "gaadi" denotes a car and "tumhari" denotes your ownership.

Clarifying connections and ownership is made easier by knowing how to use possessives. Your ability to communicate  Possessive in Hindi will improve when you can use possessive expressions to discuss relationships, family, and possessions. With the help of EnglishtoHindis, you may navigate this language barrier and master possessive subtleties with ease. Together, let's simplify and make sense of the use of possessives in Hindi.

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By EnglishtoHindis
Added May 2



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