How To Create Custom Reports In QuickBooks Desktop? from Brock Thomson's blog

The QuickBooks desktop for Mac users can customize any of the reports so that they have the data and style as per the choice. In today’s post, we will be discussing the process to customize reports in QuickBooks desktop for Mac. Thus, if you are interested in knowing the process to customize reports in QuickBooks desktop for Mac, then read this post carefully till the end. 

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Steps to customize report in QuickBooks desktop

The user QuickBooks desktop for Mac user can customize reports by carrying out a couple of steps: 

  • The first step is to create a report. 

  • And then, select customize on the report window. 

  • Select the fonts and colours. 

  • Choose the number handling.

  • Customize the header. 

  • Customize footer. 

  • Also, set alignment. 

  • Use a format template. 

  • After that, select the tab to update from the customize window. 

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By Brock Thomson
Added Feb 23


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