Erectile Dysfunction (ED)- नपुंसकता – Impotency from riya gupta's blog

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)- नपुंसकता – Impotency

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment In Mumbai – Erectile Dysfunction (ED), some times called Impotance, is defined as failure to obtain or sustain, an erection until completion of satisfactory sexual activity. Problem in Getting or Maintaining Erection at the Time of Sex is also called Erectile Dysfunction.

Alternative terms for erectile dysfunction are Impotency, erectile failure, sexual inadequacy, less erection, decreased erection, failure in intercourse, sexual incompetence, erection problem, Napunsakata, less hardness of penis, looseness of penis .

Ayurveda explains erectile dysfunction as follows – when a man has a strong desire to perform sexual act with a cooperative partner but cannot perform the act due to looseness (absence of erection) of his phallus ( penis). Even if there is determination and desire, yet unability to get an erection resulting in affliction with tiredness, perspiration and frustration to perform sex occurs.

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