The Easiest Way to Submit a Press Release Online from Press Release's blog

When you're writing a press release and trying to get your content noticed, it can be easy to slip into an unprofessional tone. You're just trying to get the word out about your product or service, right? Well yes and no. There's nothing wrong with pitching your story in an informal way, but if you want to make sure that people are reading your press release submission with interest then it needs to be done in a professional tone. Here are some tips on how best to write press releases that draw attention:

Choose a reputable press release distribution service

Choosing a reputable press release distribution service is the first step to getting your story out there. While there are many legitimate and reputable companies out there, you'll want to find one that has a good reputation and track record. You can check with Google or Yahoo! News for reviews of services before deciding which one would be best for you.

Another thing that's important when choosing a company is their customer service record: if they have had problems with customers in the past then it may be wise not use them as it could lead to problems later on down the road when trying something like submitting an article on how easy it was for me when I did everything correctly."

Create a compelling headline and content -

The headline is the most important part of your press release. It should be compelling and easy to read, but not too long or short. Your headline should also be unique and relevant, so that readers will want to check out what you have to say.

You can make your headline stand out by using a combination of words that are descriptive but not overly so; this makes them easier for people who don't know much about you or your company (or even the industry) to understand what they're reading.

Include multimedia elements -

A multimedia element is any piece of information that's not text. It might be video, a photo, or even a graphic. The most common types of multimedia elements are:

  • Video - Short clips on YouTube can be used to provide more information about your product or service and show how it works in action. If you're promoting a new product launch, this could also be used as an example of how the product will benefit users (e.g., "Watch our video now!").

  • Photo - Photos can help illustrate your submit press releasesby showing off what makes your business unique from other companies in its industry; they should also include people involved with the company (or at least someone who looks like them). You could also include an image related to what's being covered in the story itself—for example, if it's about how customers love using their products/services then maybe include some pictures of happy customers using them! This way readers feel like they're getting more than just facts sent over email...they get something tangible as well!

  • Graphic - Graphics often contain important information but aren't particularly good at conveying emotion or storytelling ability; however there may still be times when graphics would work well for certain situations such as when trying something new out before launching officially into stores across town etcetera...just keep this type away from those who usually don't read long articles because those kinds tend not care much about visuals anyway :)"

Choose the right keywords -

When it comes to choosing the right keywords, you need to know what they are, how many times you should use them and where in your press release they should be used. The most important thing is that you choose a few high-ranking search terms that are relevant to your industry and can be easily found by potential readers.

It’s also important not to use too many low-ranking terms because these won't have much impact on Google rankings or traffic from search engines like Google or Bing. For example, if you were writing about how children's books help improve literacy skills among adults then don't include “literacy training” as one of your top three keywords because this term isn't going anywhere near as high up on search engines' results pages (SERPs).

Follow the submission guidelines

If you don't have a website, include a link to your book's Amazon page. If you do have a website, but it isn't listed in the submission guidelines above, include the URL of that site so that we can find it there.

If you don't have contact information on your press release (like an email address or phone number), then state that in the body of text below: "To contact me about this press release please visit [your social media page]." This will help readers find out how best to reach out to you!

Make sure all other required details are present before submitting your release—and make sure they're accurate!

Submit and track the results

Once you've submitted your press release, the submission system will send you an email with a link to view its status in the public database. You can also use this page to log in and track any changes made to your submission.

If you're looking for some assistance in creating or optimizing content for social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, we recommend using our [social media management tool]( This tool helps journalists find relevant information about their stories by analyzing existing content on those platforms—and then recommending better ways of communicating with them!

Choose the distribution plan that best fits your needs

Now you know how to submit a press release online, but what if you're not sure which distribution plan is best for your business? The answer is easy: choose the one that best fits your needs. If a direct email blast doesn't work out and would require too much time or effort on your part, try another method instead. For example, if there's no way for people who want to receive these emails to find out about them (such as through social media), then consider posting them on blogs or forums where readers might be interested in reading more about the topic at hand. Or maybe even create an ezine centered around similar topics as well!

Pay attention to the timing of your submission

The timing of your submission is also important. There are two main reasons for this:

  • Timing can be flexible when you're submittingsubmit submit press release online  at the right time, but it can also be flexible if you submit them too early or late. For example, if the news outlet has already covered your story and no longer needs more information from you, then there's no reason for them to wait until after the article has been published before contacting them again—they'll just ignore all future messages from prospective journalists until they run out of space on their website. In this case, waiting until after a publication date would be ideal because then potential readers will have access only through search engines (and thus less likely than ever before). However *NOT* waiting until after an article has been published may result in having missed out on an opportunity altogether! So make sure that whenever possible try not only looking at what type of coverage an outlet might give any given story but also keep track of how engaged its readership tends towards being active participants rather than passive onlookers."

Use a professional tone
  • Don't use profanity.

  • Don’t use inappropriate language.

  • Do not use any language that could be considered offensive, inflammatory or insulting toward anyone or anything in the world (including yourself).

A good press release is a great way to get your name out there, but it also requires some work on your part. If you’re looking for an easy way to submit a press release online, we recommend using one of these services! Each of them provides a unique set of benefits that can help you stand out from the crowd and get more attention for your business.

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