"Heroes will also assist with the God of Death in two Eye of Het mini-quests as they go into the Tomb of Het in OSRS Gold search of an enthralling object that can aid the young gods in the course of the Elder God Wars saga," the press release reads.
In a brand-new event that will run from now until January 3, 2022, players will be able to acquire the latest version of the classic "Partyhat", an item initially available at Christmas way back in 2001. It was initially available in red blue, green, yellow as well as white, purple or red, RuneScape's "The Golden Party Hat Hunt" quest will let players to unlock one of the highly-sought cosmetics with a metallic shine.
Since the hats were only available in limited numbers during a limited time period, and have since been discontinued the lucky player to have one can sell them for billions of coins. While the hats are purely decorative and offer no any stat bonuses, they're today the most costly item listed on Grand Exchange, hitting the highest value of 2.1billion gold in 2015.
For a chance to own heads or the Golden Party Hat, players must meet "various goals" and collect eight golden shards in exchange for their efforts. After all eight have been obtained, they can be put together into the Golden Party Hat.
But there is a catch. Not only is the game time-limited, but only one golden hat is made per player. Just like their predecessors from 2001 Jagex says of the golden Hats "after the cut-off date, they will never be accessible for earning again!"
Whether the new item interrupts the in-game economy , and diminishes the value of existing partyhats or turns into an additional premium item remains to be determined. Jagex will be marking the occasion in Cheap OSRS Gold the same manner but will be transforming the in-game Grand Exchange location into "a Golden Party Hat winter wonderland".
The Wall