CLADDER - WORD GAME FOR YOU from Ray Haley's blog

cladder is a one-minute online puzzle game in which players attempt to decipher ten words based on clues.

Each player has 60 seconds to solve all ten clues. To get the answer, you'll be given a three or four letter starter word and a hint that requires you to change one letter from the previous word.

For example, if your starting word is CASH and the hint says "to run quickly," you must replace the C with a D to form the word DASH.

To solve the next clue, swap a letter from the word DASH; for example, if the hint says "a plate of food," swap the A for an I to make the word DISH - and so on until you've solved all ten clues.

There are no penalties for incorrect answers, and if you wait long enough because you're stuck, Cladder will highlight the letter that needs to be changed. However, because you're on a tight schedule, you don't want to waste too much time waiting.

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The Wall

Sep 3 '22
At the point when a lady has PCOS, the ovaries produce more androgens than expected, bringing about an obstruction to ovulation. During monthly cycles, the ovaries discharge a couple of eggs from the Follicles. With PCOS, the eggs in the follicles don't develop and remain in that frame of mind with no movement. Thus, these youthful eggs transform into blisters in the ovaries, causing serious torment and other related side effects.At the point when a lady has PCOS, the ovaries produce more androgens than expected, bringing about an obstruction to ovulation. During monthly cycles, the ovaries discharge a couple of eggs from the ...See more
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By Ray Haley
Added Sep 3 '22



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