It's the result of a mix of factors that created Lost Ark popular in Korea. One of which was the big rigging scandal in the past year or Lost Ark Gold so that led to KR players resign in a flurry from the top Korean MMOs. Thanks to luck, this incident coincided with the revival with patches and content and resulted numerous Koreans migrating here from other MMOs. Another reason was the open communication and interaction with players by the director who was then in charge Gold River- which was unusual for in a Korean game.
Therefore, they did have no place in the West and won't be applicable in the same way to the West. Everything from content pacing, communication, and bots to the basic expectations from players is very different. There's no doubt that new content like commander raids are great but it's also not a guarantee that it'll bring in new players.
As I mentioned, Commander Raid was one of the updates that resurrected the game, but it was not the only reason for why the number of players in KR has increased. In the West, it's just as crucial what and how AGS implements the new content , and also how they promote it.
It's pretty much the same. Many people talk about Legion being the event that brought back the game, but it wasn't.
It's quite a coincidence that players were mad at Maplestory creators and decided to begin playing Lost Ark to spite the developer. Legion just happens to be the content released at that time and it happens to be a leap from any previous Lost Ark activities.
Just like SG was priding themselves in Korea with their around 800.000 concurrent users in the West region, and promoting the number, but the Western players knew it was 3/4 bots. SG also did the exact thing by promoting Legion Raid Lost Ark Gold Buy, priding themselves that Legion Raid revived the game while conveniently ignoring other elements (Maplestory players as the biggest factor) because of the obvious.
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