Warzone Pacific Season
Lost Ark Gold 2 skin glitched and changed into "Headless Horseman"
As you can see in this video by streaming service LouiCM and LouiCM, the "Bundled Up" skin for Wade isn't quite what one would think from its thumbnail. If you look at the Operator's thumbnail, there's nothing more than the neck.
It's not surprising that players have taken to calling this character the "Headless Horseman." It's a satirical connection to the tale of Ichabod Crane, as well as an actual proof of Warzone players are literate by the art of literature.
Wade generally appears like an ordinary person.
As you will see in the image shown above Wade is indeed wearing a head that hangs over his neck within the game. In addition, players are noting it is the Sleepy Hollow version of his most recent Legendary skin isn't bugged on the main menu.
As of now, we haven't seen
cheap Lost Ark Gold any footage of the Operator in-game so it is impossible to know whether the glitch may be causing any trouble.
The Wall