After the first oil shock in 1973 which shook the world economy, the
attention of everyone turned to the oil prices. Changes in oil prices
began to be followed closely, and its effects over macroeconomic
variables started to be researched.To get more news about
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Because the pricing of crude oil is made in American dollars
internationally, changes in oil price directly affect the exchange rates
of the countries. This point especially led the researches about the
effects of oil price changes to focus on its effects over exchange
Policymakers, academics and journalists have frequently discussed the
link between oil prices and exchange rates in recent years—particularly
the idea that an appreciation of the US dollar triggers a dip in oil
prices. Empirical research is not so clear on the direction of
causation, as there is evidence for bi-directional causality. Some
studies find that an increase in the real oil price actually results in a
real appreciation of the US dollar, while others show that a nominal
appreciation of the US dollar triggers decreases in the oil price.
Figure 1 illustrates the link between the nominal West Texas
Intermediate (WTI) crude oil price and the US effective dollar exchange
rate index relative to its main 7 trading partners.
The terms of trade channel mostly focus on real oil prices and
exchange rates, while the wealth and portfolio channels propose an
effect from the nominal exchange rate to the nominal oil price. The
expectations channel allows for nominal causalities in both directions.
1. The impact of oil prices on exchange rates
The terms of trade channel were introduced in 1998. The underlying
idea is to link the price of oil to the price level which affects the
real exchange rate. If the non-tradable sector of a country A is more
energy intensive than the tradable one, the output price of this sector
will increase relative to the output price of country B. This implies
that the currency of country A experiences a real appreciation due to
higher inflation. Effects on the nominal exchange rate arise if the
price of tradable goods is no longer assumed to be fixed. In this case,
inflation and nominal exchange rate dynamics are related via purchasing
power parity (PPP). If the price of oil increases, we expect currencies
of countries with large oil dependence in the tradable sector to
depreciate due to higher inflation. The response of the real exchange
rate then depends on how the nominal exchange rate changes, but relative
to the impact of any changes in the price of tradable (and
non-tradable) goods described above. Overall, causality embedded in the
terms of trade channel potentially holds over different horizons
depending on the adjustment of prices.
The underlying idea of the portfolio and wealth channel is based on a
three country framework. The basic idea is that oil-exporting countries
experience a wealth transfer if the oil price rises. The wealth channel
reflects the resulting short-run effect, while the portfolio channel
assesses medium- and long-run impacts. When oil prices rise, wealth is
transferred to oil-exporting countries (in US dollar terms) and is
reflected as an improvement in exports and the current account balance
in domestic currency terms. For this reason, we expect currencies of
oil-exporting countries to appreciate and currencies of oil-importers to
depreciate in effective terms after a rise in oil prices. There is also
the possibility that the US dollar appreciates in the short-run because
of the wealth effect - if oil-exporting countries reinvest their
revenues in US dollar assets. The short and medium-run effects on the US
dollar relative to currencies of oil-exporters will depend on two
factors according to the portfolio effect. The first is the dependence
of the United States on oil imports relative to the share of US exports
to oil-producing countries. The second is oil exporters relative
preferences for US dollar assets. Figure 3 summarizes the wealth and
portfolio channels.
2. Common factors driving oil prices and exchange rates
Having already explained the role of inflation, Figure 2 incorporates
other common factors including GDP, interest rates, stock prices and
uncertainty. A full analysis of all possible linkages and other
potential factors is beyond the scope of this paper, but a few important
channels are worth mentioning. GDP and interest rates both affect
exchange rates and oil prices, and are also interrelated: Monetary
policy reacts to GDP fluctuations while interest rate changes affect GDP
through total investment and spending. An increase in GDP, all else
equal, results in an increase in the oil price. Effects on exchange
rates are less clear for both interest and exchange rates. A relative
increase in domestic interest rates should for example depreciate the
domestic currency according to uncovered interest rate parity, but the
empirical evidence has demonstrated that an appreciation is frequently
observed instead, reflecting the notorious forward premium puzzle.
Another major influence on both the macroeconomic environment and
exchange rate dynamics is the degree of uncertainty. A domestic
appreciation of the exchange rate might result from uncertainty, if
participants expect a currency to act as a safe haven.
Under the theories explaining the relationship between oil price and
exchange rate, we see the basic supply-demand relationship. When the
price of oil increases, firstly demand for dollar will increase in oil
importing countries leading dollar to appreciate, but then to buy the
dollar their demand for their local currencies will increase leading
appreciation of their local currencies, which causes the exchange rate
to depreciate. Also after getting the payment, the supply of dollar will
increase in oil-exporting countries leading dollar to depreciate which
causes a decrease in exchange rate, but here there are two possible
follow up situations. If the oil-exporting country increases their goods
import because of the depreciation of dollar, demand for the dollar
will increase in the country leading dollar to appreciate causing an
increase in exchange rate. However, if the oil-exporting country
can‘t/doesn’t increase their goods import, then exchange rate will
remain in a decreasing trend because of the depreciation of dollar.
Researchers built a theoretical dynamic partial-equilibrium portfolio
model of an oil price increase influence on exchange rates in a world
consisting three countries: United States of America, Germany and OPEC.
According to this model, the short-run and the long-run effects of the
oil price increase will be opposite such as an increase in oil price at
first induces dollar appreciation but then it turns into dollar
depreciation. The effect of an oil price increase on exchange rate
depends on “the share of local currency in OPEC‘s portfolio”, “the share
of country’s goods in OPEC imports”, and “the country‘s share in world
oil imports” in this model. In the model oil imports are exogenously
fixed so the effect of oil price increase will also be affected by the
OPEC’s spending preferences of the money generated from oil sales. For
instance; if OPEC prefers dollar payment but German goods, then the
value of dollar will increase in the short-run, however will decrease in
the long-run.
The Wall