There is only one thing to do with a whore ... to enjoy the present moment together. Any other thought is ... a total nonsense … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru from xocahej pahed's blog

I've once had the chance to meet a guy ... who was meditating and discussing a lot ... about the philosophy of life.

Believing ... all is illusory.

Strongly ... feeling it.

And ... we've talked a lot ... about the subject.

The funny thing was ... that he was in love.

I knew that woman.

... by a long time.

She was ... what we call ... a whore.

Yes ....

But ... Brian didn't wanted to accept it ... continuing to be into the relationship with her.

He was talking to me ... about the illusion of life ... but into the same time ... he was experiencing the illusion ... telling me all the time ... how beautiful it was ... all.

Of course ... till she acted again as a whore.

Then ... he was explaining to me ... for hours ... how in fact she is a bitch which is torturing him ... a witch keeping him the prisoner of that illusory story .... etc etc.

2-3 day he was telling me the beautiful side of everything ... then he was actually telling me the opposite of all.

I was ... always listening.

... being intrigued of so many contradictory things ... which i was hearing.

But ... on day ... Paul .... having enough of hearing all those craps ... tells him ... while we've enjoyed the coffee at a nice restaurant.

"Brian ... stop it!

Just stop it.

One day ... you tell us one story ... then a contradictory one.

And ... it's all about ... the same story ... with the same woman.

I think ... the Universe is making fun of you ... and you make fun of us.


This woman makes you experience duality ... in its absolute form.

Today ... you are happy.

Tomorrow ... unhappy.

Then ... happy again.

Later on ... again unhappy.

And you keep explaining to us ... giving lots of details ... something very, very weird.

But of course ... illusions are weird.

All of them.

Unfortunately for you ... the happiness itself ... experienced

near this lady ... is just an illusion.

And ... nothing more.

So ... you're living the illusion.

... cause you are in duality.

Today for you ... this duality means this emotional balance happiness - unhappiness.

But you can't see it.

You're blind.

The Universe sent a whore into your life ... to clearly understand the illusory.

The illusion of life.

And ... all you should do is ... to be more silent ...

Experience the illusion.

Feel it.

Understand why it looks so real.

Understand why you feel so, so real the happiness, but also the unhappiness.

There is only one thing to do with this woman ... to enjoy the present moment with her.

Stop thinking about anything else.

You're in illusion anyway.

So ... instead of being unhappy ... just enjoy the story.

And ... shut up.

Especially ... in her presence."

As usual Paul was ... too tough.

But ... he was most certainly ... right.

Ideas ... difficult to be accepted.

Fortunately ... or unfortunately ... all his speech was ... a nice advice.

Of course ... like any of us ... Brian was not listening.

Not to me.

Not to Paul.

To no one.

Not ... even to his intuition.

Download the book ”Beyond the boundaries ... of the human being” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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