How to design and make dtf film roll transfer laundry resistant pet roll from as7abecom's blog

dtf film roll transfer laundry resistant pet roll generally uses paper materials as the direct carrier and corporate culture and products as the communication content. It is a direct, image and effective form of publicity for enterprises. Brochures are indispensable materials for corporate publicity. It can well combine the characteristics of the enterprise, clearly express the content of the brochure, and quickly convey the information in the brochure, which is the focus of the brochure design, a good brochure includes the lining, title page, speech, catalog, inside page, etc., but also includes the design of the cover and back cover. Brochure design requires a sense of integrity, from the brochure, text art, as well as changes in the catalog and format, from the arrangement of pictures to the setting of color, from the selection of materials to the quality of the printing process, need to do the overall consideration and planning, and then reasonable mobilization of design elements, they organically integrated together, to serve the connotation of the enterprise. There are four main steps in making a dtf film roll transfer laundry resistant pet roll:

Phase I analysis

1, brochure design should stand at the height of brand building. Many companies feel that "brochures, as long as it is done well, it is OK, nothing more than to see, and there is not much influence on corporate market sales." This is very wrong! Publicity is never good or bad, there is no intermediate evaluation, when the audience is defined as "general", you may have been passive out. In this self-exposed society, it is not only you who do the brochure, only the outstanding brochure will make your company stand out among many similar companies.

2 Second, the brochure is the vanguard of the enterprise to support the image, and it is necessary to design the personality of the brand. Once a business owner said: "Brochures, but not all like that!" Look for a copy, just copy it!" I would like to ask, is your enterprise willing to follow the footsteps of people forever barking shadow barking sound? Not every enterprise's culture is the same, only simple and fast, ignoring the specificity, specificity and artistry of the brochure design, then, at best, the brochure you make is just a copy of the finished product after imitating others' style. Wearing someone else's clothes, it's not hard to imagine the reaction. An effective brochure is a concentrated reflection of the characteristics of the enterprise, but it has a focus on the direction of use. Or attach importance to product introduction, or emphasize corporate culture, or reflect market value, or based on investment analysis. In short, the purpose of its creation must be based on a unified purpose. Even a comprehensive sample must have core values.

3 Third, the brochure design should have a vision. Brochure is a very important part of enterprise brand building, the establishment of enterprise status is a long-term accumulation process, brochure design must have a long-term vision, otherwise, today's creativity will be easily submerged by the tide of tomorrow. The important thing for anyone who does brand design is to see what others don't see and think what others don't think. This is especially important when it comes to brochure design. The brochure, like the mobile facade of the enterprise, is generally a design for life, and the possibility of random change is very small, unless the brand itself lacks confidence or in the case of brand transformation.

4 Fourth, determine the main color: dtf film roll transfer laundry resistant pet roll is mainly used color, good enterprise special color, such as industrial and commercial red, Agricultural Bank of China green, CCB blue and so on. If you do, save yourself the trouble. For example, science and technology companies should pay attention to the nature of his enterprise and highlight the high new sense of science and technology, but can not fall into the stereotype, the use of corporate philosophy is the key. Try to use blue tones, generally such business owners like this kind of color, the specific or rely on your grasp, and eloquence.

2. Content editing

1 When editing, pay attention to the classification, generally the corporate concept, and company overview, and then the product introduction, good classification. Brochure to see how much content, to determine the proportion of graphics, if produced into a book, then the picture text, more introduction and concept. A few pages with more pictures, less text and a photo description would be fine. After all, it's thin. Nobody's gonna look at it for half a day. The content should pay attention to several points:

21, the cover is generous and beautiful: the appearance should be generous and beautiful, good to show a very rich, can highlight or show the corporate image, and make people feel very good. Some craft can also be used. Although the cost will be relatively high, the effect is not negligible.

2. Culture and strength: The brochure is originally used to publicize the enterprise, focusing on the enterprise's brand culture and economic strength, which needs to be illustrated, promote the enterprise's culture (enterprise history, purpose, etc.), show the strength of the enterprise (honor, construction scale, products, equipment, execution, etc.), describe the beautiful scene of the enterprise (enterprise planning, etc.), attract the attention of readers, Enhance readers' attention to the company.

33, inside pages do not have too much: inside pages do not need too much, as long as it is kept at 5-8 pages. And the text part should not be too much, so as to illustrate with pictures. To achieve the propaganda effect of enterprises with concise language.

4, increase the amount of information: if the enterprise has in some websites or what major deeds of the media to do publicity, then your company in which the big website media to do network writing up, so that if someone is interested can also go directly to the website or see the TV media will be more profound in your company's memory. This achieves the purpose of corporate publicity.

5, the language is simple and clear: try to language simple and clear, do not be like a great writer, after all, the cultural level of people looking at your company's brochure is not the same.

dtf film roll transfer laundry resistant pet roll

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