The power of masks from freeamfva's blog

Healthcare professionals have worn surgical masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) for years to protect themselves and their patients from the spread of disease and infection. As the pandemic continues, you have the opportunity to reap the benefits of what caregivers around the world have learned through experience – other than getting vaccinated, wearing a mask is the single most effective way to keep yourself (and others) safe from airborne illnesses like COVID-19.To get more news about famous mask stock, you can visit official website.

Although data on COVID-19 has constantly evolved since the beginning of the pandemic, one data point has remained the same – COVID-19 is most commonly spread in three main ways:

Breathing in air that contains small droplets expelled by an infected person, especially through common behaviors like coughing, talking, singing or sneezing
Having these droplets that contain the virus land on eyes, nose, or mouth
Touching your eyes, nose or mouth with hands that have the virus on them
Additionally, these droplets can move throughout an entire room or indoor space (restaurant, store, house, office, etc.) and linger for minutes to hours in some cases.
A demonstration by the Microbiology Lab at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center & Children's Hospital shows how wearing a mask can protect you (and others) in close proximity and even at a safe 6-foot distance from viruses and other pathogens.

When a local journalist repeated the demonstration alongside Sacred Heart's microbiology director, Dr. Rich Davis, they documented the results as he coughed, sneezed, sang and talked with and without a mask. They also looked at social distancing and found it to be effective at keeping germs contained.

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