Can sex dolls help a marriage? from yourrealdoll's blog

We often find that many married men are uncomfortable talking to their wife about a sex doll. However, sex dolls can serve a very real purpose in a monogamous marriage.

1. Difference in Sex Drive

Believe it or not, we have quite a few women who buy sex dolls for their husbands! The most common reason given above all is the difference in sex drive.

Many women have a lower sex drive than their male counterparts after having children. Many husbands are regularly rejected by their wives and feel unwanted and frustrated. This type of situation is no one's fault, but a difference in sex drive can certainly be problematic in a marriage. Some women are content to have sex once a week or less, and many men would rather have sex three or four times a week.

TPE sex doll is a very good tool to diffuse this situation. If the husband can meet his needs with a sex doll when his wife is not in the mood, it relieves the wife of feeling obligated to have sex just to satisfy her husband. At the same time, the husband can meet his needs without pressuring his wife and feeling rejected.

We find that some people have concerns about whether or not using a sex doll is considered cheating. As real as these sex dolls look and feel, they are simply a sex toy, much like a vibrator or your hand.

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2. Spice Things Up

After years of marriage, things can get stagnant in the bedroom. Adding a sex doll to the bedroom could be a good solution to make your boring routine sex interesting again. It is also a great way to make things exciting again without one partner venturing outside the relationship or inviting a third party to join in.

Sex dolls do not have feelings, preferences, or STDs of their own, making them safe and fun for everyone. Sex dolls also do not get pregnant. We are aware that some see sex toys or dolls as a threat for various reasons, but the idea is quickly becoming more accepted in this modern world.

3. Could Love Doll Improve Marriage and Longevity?

Some people out there fear that sex dolls or robots could lead to a decline in marriage rates as men could replace real human partners with sex dolls or robots. However, this is proving to be more fear-mongering than anything else.
So far, pornography and vibrators have not been a threat to marriage rates or human relationships. In fact, introducing sex toys into a relationship can be very healthy. For example, a sex doll or vibrator can relieve some of the pressure on marriage. If sexual access through sex dolls and toys can help relieve the sexual pressure of marriage, marriage can improve in other ways. Just as well, we have seen an increase in marriages and a decrease in divorce rates.

Sex dolls (like anything else) can be a benefit to a relationship or a problem. It all depends on how you use it and how you communicate with your partner. We here at Yourrealdoll. Lifelike sex dolls are a healthy way to improve the sex lives of couples and singles alike. We hope you will consider a sex doll for your life when it becomes widely accepted.

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By yourrealdoll
Added Jun 11 '24



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