The real problem with RS3 Gold
posts may also be the spam that the sub will eventually get, phishing
emails have been sent in a wave to different mails of potential players,
let's say like 10 percent of these have a reddit accounts, they are
going to want to warn everyone else from their attempt and so there will
be several posts looking the same, all of which may be oblivious it's
been submitted before. It can eventually find tedious. Which then can
lead others to ignore a legit clueless player who's asking whether it is
real or not, that's why I suggested an automated response of some type,
at least a little warning to take care or something like this.
Additionally thanks for clarifying the email to forward phishing mails
has become over, I understood of this forum thread, although not the
fact that they stopped the email.
I am unsure that sums up the
planned message. My previous remark explains why these two changes
haven't been made together with some related information. The first
being that Runescape is for the RuneScape community as a whole (not only
RS3), and the second being that automatic filtering for this kind of
post was attempted and found not to be possible to accurately
accomplish. We're open to suggestions that could be possible to
implement without detracting from the purpose of this subreddit and its
own community.
I mean, yeah your previous remark lays out just
why the communities suggestions, in your opinion, are inferior to the
machine you have in place currently. If anything the view represented by
the OP are more in line with this'vision' of the subreddit (needing to
include the two RS3 and OSRS (that in itself is silly being they've
seperate content, dev teams etc. but like my opinion man)) by stating
your articles has a house here but when its regarding anything in
specificity to go elsewhere, very similar to the way the Reddit FC
is/was operate.
So rather than tuning ity'all yanked on it? Tell
me how your staff believes your system isn't fine in comparison with
community ideas. Let's have a thought experiment while I've got your Buy RuneScape Gold
The Wall