Some articles may be a very messy and fluid process, and words are not used correctly or are unclear. A lengthy body article makes readers feel distracted easily and discourages them from further reading.

The structure is more important than the content itself, and it guides the reader throughout in an easy way. Also, structure in an article plays a vital role so that readers don’t become lost. By following structural guidelines and components in an article, readers are able to know where they are, where they have come from, and where they are headed.

The process of Digital Publishing Services begins when a researcher completes a project and intends to publish it in a journal. When writing a journal article, it is important to keep in mind its structure and essential components.

  1. Title

The title should be attention-grabbing and specific to the article. It should contain relevant keywords so that the article will appear in database searches.

  1. Authors

The author of a journal article is someone who is able to explain his/her work and answer all questions related to the research.

  1. Abstract

The abstract, like the title, must contain a summary of the background information of the study, the methodology used, the results, and the final interpretation. It typically varies from 150 to 300 words.

  1. Introduction

The objective of writing an introduction is to explain the background of the research. It is generally written in the past tense with respect to the author’s work, while the remainder of the content is written in the present tense. It is typically no longer than 500 words.

  1. Methods and Materials

The methods and materials section should enable the reader to repeat the study.

  1. Results & Discussion

The results section contains data from the study. However, in small research articles, the results and discussion sections are combined.

The discussion section consists of a synopsis of the conclusions, information that links findings with the results of other studies, exceptions in findings in Digital publishing companies, and implications of the study. It is typically lengthy, consisting of up to 1500 words.

  1. Acknowledgments

It is only natural that organizations and people whose work has been referenced or mentioned in your article should be thanked.

  1. References

The references section includes articles directly referenced in the content. Generally, this section concludes the research paper.

Lapiz assists authors in preparing journal articles, focusing on everything from content research, writing articles or journals, language editing, and simple edits to substantial rewriting.

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