Print Hardcover Books to Boost Your Brand from Acu Track's blog

Many businesses, and business leaders, today become authors and publish books for the substantial marketing value they provide. If you're one of them, seriously consider hardcover book printing as a way to enhance your brand. When you find the right printer, producing case-bound (hardcover) books doesn't need to break the bank. The perceived value of a hardcover book is substantially more than other binding choices (paperback, spiral, or wire-o). You'll produce a work of permanence and impress your clients, patients, or customers. Hardcovers reflect well on your business for many years to come.

When you publish a book, you can also plan a PR campaign to coincide with its launch and hit the road (or the internet) to promote it. Book publicity campaigns have enormous personal and business marketing value. Approaching the media or attempting to gain greater online publicity via social media, blogs, and podcasts works much more successfully when launching a book. There must be a reason to find you newsworthy, and a book provides it. The media is typically interested in nonfiction books of good quality because they easily translate into stories; you'll quickly become more visible.

Publishing your book in hardcover and paperback versions might also make sense. If you give away copies, the case-bound editions can go to your top-tier clients while others receive the soft cover version. If you're enticing people to buy tiers of membership that each carry specific perks and rewards, having the hardcover book for the top tier makes sense. Traditional publishers follow the formula of releasing hardcover editions first and following up with lower-priced paperback versions over time. It gives you multiple options for your marketing plan, each with a specific appeal to some of your customers.

Benchmarking is important in every business endeavor, and checking the competition when considering book-binding choices is wise. If your competitors offer books, are they hardcover? If yes, you can print yours similarly to compete. Or, if they are publishing paperbacks, you can upgrade to case bound for a competitive advantage. There are many ways to handle the situation, and leveraging your book to maximum advantage will pay off in the long run. If you've offered customers earlier volumes, what comes next may be in response -- either an upgrade or a lighter, more manageable version.

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