Meet the Incredible, Unsung Heros of Engagement Rings from Diamond Jewelrystore's blog

The diamond engagement rings is a symbol of love, commitment and marriage. It's also the most expensive piece of jewelry you'll ever buy. So when choosing an engagement ring, there are many things to consider. Most importantly: Does it fit? Is it in the right size range? Do you want her to wear it on her left hand or right hand? Will she get tired of seeing that same old rock on her finger every day? The good news is that these are all questions you can ask yourself -- and then rely on your fiancé's feedback as well. But there's no reason why even if she doesn't have an opinion about which stone looks best or what kind of setting is best for your budget (and vice versa), she should be powerless when it comes time for choosing their wedding bands together! Here's how:

Find a ring that fits your budget.

It's important to know your budget and stick to it. Don't let the salesman talk you into spending more than you can afford; don't let your friends talk you into spending more than you can afford; and don't let yourself get talked into spending more than you can afford.

Select the right cut, color and clarity.

When it comes to selecting a diamond, there are many factors that you should consider. The most important of these is cut, which refers to the shape of your engagement ring. A round diamond has no fancy shapes or angles—it's just as simple as that!

The second major factor in this equation is color. Color refers to how light or dark a gemstone appears when viewed under different lighting conditions (like natural sunlight). This can affect how well it reflects light back onto our eyes and mind: if you want something bright-looking on top but muted underneath, choose white over yellow; if you want something dark with lots of depth, go for blue-violet over yellow-green.

Another thing worth considering when picking out engagement rings for girls is clarity—or lack thereof! Clarity refers specifically to how many flaws are present inside each stone; these include cracks or fractures that occur naturally within any material such as diamonds before being polished into jewelry pieces."

Shop around for the best value and service.
  • Shop around for the best value and service.

  • Ask friends and family for recommendations.

  • Look at reviews online.

  • Look at jewelry stores in person, especially if you want to see what they have on display at their store or contact them directly about prices and availability of certain pieces (the more familiar you are with what's out there, the less likely it will be for your fiancé to stumble upon something he doesn't like). If this doesn't work out well, look online! There are many retailers who will send rings all over the world so that you can try on different styles without leaving your home!

Choose the right size (and don't forget to consider her knuckles).

To measure for the perfect engagement ring designs for female, first you need to know how big her hand is. Her knuckles will also play a role in determining if the ring fits—and it can be tricky getting an accurate measurement.

  • Measure from one side of her finger to the other (using a ruler or tape measure). This is called "the circumference".

  • Next, take this measurement and divide it by 2 (or multiply by 4), adding 1/2 inch for every quarter inch over 6 inches (so if you have 5 inches between your fingers, divide 5 into 2 and add 1/2 inch). This will give you a better idea of what size ring would be best suited for her hand size.

Make sure it comes with a certificate of authenticity.

A certificate of authenticity is a form that proves the authenticity of your ring. It can be used to verify the value and quality of an item, which will help you get insurance for it if you need it or even just a refund if something goes wrong with the ring.

If you're buying this kind of thing online and don't see one included in the listing, check out their policies before purchasing anything from them!

Consider adding an inscription.

Engagement rings can be customized with a message or date, but the best thing to do is simply write down a few words that mean something to you both—and then make it permanent! If you're interested in adding an inscription to your ring, here are some tips for getting started:

Make sure it's insured.

It's important to remember that it's not just Couple engagement rings that can be insured. If you have a valuable piece of jewelry, make sure it's insured.

Insurance is a good idea for all jewelry, but especially when you're buying an engagement ring. If your ring gets lost or stolen, insurance will help get it replaced—even if it's been resized and redesigned in some way (which happens more often than you think).

Know her classic style likes -- and dislikes.
  • Know her style.

  • Know her favorite colors.

  • Know her favorite cuts of diamonds, and which stones she prefers over others (e.g., round vs. square).

  • Know the metals that she likes for eternity bands and engagement rings: gold, platinum and silver are all good choices for most women; if you want to go with an alternative metal like titanium or tungsten carbide (both extremely durable), make sure it's something your fiancée will wear every day for a long time because these metals tend to scratch easily!

Know her other jewelry styles and metals -- or just ask them.

While you can't expect to know exactly what she likes, there are several things to consider. If she has a favorite type of jewelry, it may be helpful for her to help choose the ring. She's more likely to do this if you ask her friends and family for advice. And if that's not an option, here’s how I recommend asking:

  • Ask what kind of styles she prefers (e.g., simple vs fancy)

  • Ask about any specific features she'd like in a piece (e.g., diamond cut or color)

You can get a great engagement ring by thinking about her overall style and needs, not just a diamond ring in a box.

The first thing you should do when thinking about buying engagement rings for girls an boys is to consider her overall style and needs, not just a diamond ring in a box.

For example, if she's more of the tomboy type, try to find a simple yet beautiful design that will complement her personality. If she likes to dress up sometimes but prefers not to wear high heels or dresses all the time, then choose something more casual like jeans and boots with chunky accessories (such as bracelets). If she enjoys cooking at home but hates doing laundry every day after work because it gets carried around everywhere then get her something clean looking like an etched silver necklace pendant with small stones placed randomly around its edges; this way no one will know what it really is until they see it!


Remember, the diamond engagement rings is a symbol of love, commitment and promises to be together for life. This is why it's important to find the right fit for your budget and style. We hope this guide has helped you plan out how to choose an engagement ring that fits both your finances and taste!

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