World Of Warcraft Classic: 10 Tips For Beating The Temple Of Ahn'Qiraj from wisepowder's blog

World Of Warcraft Classic: 10 Tips For Beating The Temple Of Ahn'Qiraj

Phase 5 of World of Warcraft Classic releases on July 28th, and players will soon begin the race to open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj. If the hardcore antics of many classic players are any evidence, the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj will likely be open about 8 days after Phase 5 launch on the majority of servers. That's the absolute minimum amount of time it takes the complete the war effort and scepter of the shifting sands questline.To get more news about buy WoW Classic Items, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

With the raid looming just ahead of us, let's cover the basics of how to beat the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and emerge with some of the best gear available in the game. This is not an exhaustive list, but it will cover the most important things to remember if your raid group has any hope of reaching C'thun.

Use Detect Magic On Anubisath Sentinels

Immediately upon entering the instance, raid groups will be greeted by four anubisath sentinel trash mobs. Be sure to have a mage cast detect magic on each mob during the pull. Detect magic will reveal the two abilities a sentinel randomly generates from a total list of nine options.

Kick Prophet Skeram's Arcane Blasts

Prophet Skeram is the raid's first boss. The fight consists mainly of the prophet randomly mind-controlling and enraging members of a raid, teleporting around the room while creating duplicates, and casting earth shock and arcane blast. Mind-controlled raid members need to be quickly crowd controlled. More importantly, the prophet and his duplicates should not be allowed to successfully cast a single arcane blast.

The blasts deal heavy arcane damage to everyone in the vicinity and have a casting time of around a second. Rogues and warriors should be ready to kick blasts at the drop of a hat. Lastly, warlocks can apply curse of tongues to Skeram and his duplicates to make the cast easier to interrupt.

Pull Qiraji Lasher Trash Packs Into The Previous Room

Before reaching the next boss, raids will have to fight through a number of trash packs. The most dangerous mob among them is called the qiraji lasher, who looks like a mix between an Arabian belly dancer and a dragonfly. Don't let appearances fool your raid, though.

These mobs have a heavy damage whirlwind ability and a powerful knockback that is sure to pull other packs nearby if you don't pull them into the room/tunnel just before they're encountered.

Separate And Kidney Shot Battleguard Sartura And Her Guards

The fight against the next boss, Battleguard Sartura, is incredibly hectic. Both the boss and her guards will reset aggro and randomly target a member of the raid every time they whirlwind, which is very often. While whirlwinding, anyone within melee range of the mobs will take heavy damage.

This is why the mobs must be separated. The one saving grace is that they are all susceptible to stuns while not performing a whirlwind. Rogues and paladins should save their stuns for this moment in order to greatly reduce raid-wide damage and give the healer's a much needed helping hand.

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