Many African, Asian, and Hispanic people face different race problems in their workplace, and such a situation is not considered normal nowadays. Consequently, numerous studies and publications raise the question of racial inequality at work since the problem still persists. Race issues in the workplace are often connected with the ethnicity of employees, and it is hard for non-white people to have the same working conditions and opportunities as their white colleagues have.
Many researches and belief essay writers focus on ethnic diversity and race problems in the workplace between black and white employees. For example, Hellerstein and Neumark (2008) conducted a research on educational differences between black and white workers and reached a conclusion that a significant fraction of ethnic segregation in the workplace was still applied even in modern companies and it concerned the English language proficiency. Furthermore, Mostert and Cunniff (2012) studied the problem of workplace bullying of South African employees, but it was not just about the workers of South Africa (7). On the example of South African employees, the researchers showed an unjust and unfounded character of racial discrimination.
At the same time, not only workplace discrimination should be discussed and raised as a crucial problem nowadays. Many Asian workers struggle to have the same working conditions and recognition as their white colleagues. Moreover, even Asian Americans suffer from racial and health discrimination (Gee et al. 2009, 135). The US-born Asian Americans have more privileges than immigrants do, but still, they face abusing issues and bullying in the workplace (Yip, Gee, and Takeuchi 2008, 787). Especially, Chinese Americans are known to have depressing symptoms because of racial discrimination in the workplace as well (Juang and Cookston 2009, 475). Asian immigrants and Asian Americans are vulnerable to mental diseases because of their innate perfectionism; therefore, racial problems are negatively reflected on their lives.
One should also mention the same problems that many Hispanics face in the workplace setting. Thus, Mexican American adolescents have a huge disadvantage as compared to white job seekers because of culturally-related values and poor academic background as well as mental health problems (Berkel et al. 2010, 893). Academic motivation is not a priority when people know from infancy about their limited possibilities just because of their race (Perreira, Fuligni, and Potochnick 2010, 132). Even Hispanic accent may be the reason for a denial in employment (Hosoda, Nguyen, and Stone-Romero 2012, 348). Any race that differs from white people is underprivileged, which is a common thing and a crucial problem at the same time nowadays.
Perceived race discrimination and substance use in African, Asian, and Latino immigrants does not get any less relevant, although it is voiced more often and louder nowadays. Present studies consider the epidemiological research based on people born outside the United States and of a different race; thus, one’s employment significantly depends on their smoking and post-drinking days, but the immigrants living a healthy lifestyle rarely can prove it because of a strong prejudice (Tran, Lee, and Burgess 2010, 226). Moreover, after analyzing the most up-to-date legal consciousness literature, Hirsh and Lions (2010) note that the greater the sense of entitlement in terms of social status, job characteristics, and workplace area is, the more likely a non-white person will perceive racial discrimination in the workplace. In her previous work, Hirsh (2009) also considered a connection between the power of weak enforcement and the consequences of the impact of discrimination (245). This directly influences the psychological well-being of non-white people who, despite all obstacles and difficulties, have achieved a success of a general white person, but still, they have to deal with race problems (Schmitt et al. 2014, 921). Therefore, nowadays, it does not matter how smart a person is unless they are non-white, which is a sad and unjust characteristic of the modern business environment.
Race discrimination and bullying in the workplace are a crucial problem that should not even exist in the 21st century. Although many individuals consider that this issue pertains only white and black people, Hispanics and Asians face this problem as well. Nevertheless, it is possible to change this unfair attitude and solve this issue by being more tolerant, supportive, and open to other cultural experiences.
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