Old School RuneScape is accessible for free on PC from hgdgsvhgvuj's blog

The God Wars Dungeon isn't going to end anytime soon It's now heading toward its final chapter with the appearance as the last boss to OSRS Gold be defeated: Nex the General. As the final foe in a storyline that's been 10 years in the making so slaying her won't be an easy feat to say the least. Players teams can grow up to 80 in a single session, so you definitely won't need to take on the task by yourself.

Nex is extremely popular in the game. Every RuneScape update must get 75 % approval from players prior to going live. the General was approved with the majority of players deciding to add her in.

Any player with membership of any level is able to take on the boss, but Jagex will recommend this level: 70 Ranged, 70 Strength, 70 Agility, 70 Hitpoints. Also, you must be able to complete the Desert Treasure quest, so you'll have access to The Frozen Door. This door is used as a way to enter Nex's home and allow you to attempt and defeat the monster by yourself.

Of course, as you'd expect from a great boss fight, there's spectacular loot you can collect. Jagex hasn't revealed more detail on what we can expect but they've revealed that among the items that are up for grabs are the Ancient Godsword, Zaryte crossbow, and the Torva armour set.

If you'd like to test this expansion yourself, Old School RuneScape is accessible for free on PC and mobile devices. However, this expansion is only available for players who pay for membership.

Welcome to Memory Card. Here, we will embark on an ultimate, possibly fatal, playthrough of the forgotten games from our past. Like the old days, we might pull some all nighters, we might lose a couple of friends or Buy OSRS Gold we could end up having too much Hot Pockets. Let's see how far we've made. Or maybe we've regressed.

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By hgdgsvhgvuj
Added Aug 6 '22


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