Carmel-IES Innovation, Science & Education

مجلة أصحابي . اعلانات 1532 لاتعليقات


About the company

We offer you direct access to Israeli academia and a variety of Israeli experts and courses. Simple – fast and easy!


Our uniqueness is that we make it possible to establish direct, fast and barrier-free contact with leading Israeli scientists.

The connection is made through a one-on-one conversation directly with the scientist, and is performed directly from this site with a few mouse clicks.

Our goal is to present to the residents of the UAE the most advanced scientific innovations and developments that Israeli scientists create every day.

In order to allow the people of the Emirates direct access to the field of science and scientists in Israel, we are happy to submit the materials in Arabic as well, thus further lowering the barriers of the past between the peoples.

Courses and studies

We are proud to bring you quality courses from the best lecturers in Israel.
These diverse courses will allow anyone to acquire knowledge in these areas, enrich their world and acquire new skills.

Projects Management

The company offers project management services and development of scientific projects.

Our advantage is created thanks to the direct contact with leading scientists and researchers who are at the forefront of research and technology in Israeli academia and startups.

Come with us on a fascinating journey that will open for you today, doors to the world of tomorrow.

Company staff

The company’s staff was specially formed to enable a connection between the United Arab Emirates, the Arab world – and Israel in the fields of science and technology.

A combination of scientists, technology, marketing and teaching is what enables us to bring to the residents of the United Arab Emirates Israeli scientific and technological projects that are at the forefront of development and introduction.

The reasons why it is worth working with us:

1. Experience

The team members bring with them many decades of experience, each in their field, so that together you gain excellent professionals from the leaders in their field in Israel.

2. The Arabic language

We have set ourselves the goal of bringing you the materials on the site In the original spoken language of the union – in Arabic, so you can Get an accurate picture of every detail in the project.

3. Creativity

Our business development teams are constantly working to create More connections between the worlds of science and technology in Israel and those in the United Arab Emirates.

4. Reliability

The partners in the project have been operating for many years in accordance with the highest codes of action, trade and science available. We believe that only with integrity and honesty can we go far and create real partnerships.

5. Stability

The group members, scientists and projects were carefully selected, And they are experienced professionals each in his field, thing Which ensures stability, and great reliability of the materials on site.

6. Support and accompaniment

We believe that a business and personal relationship is a very important thing,
And the existence of a personal support and accompaniment service for each project is
The one that will create for you the opportunity to thrive and succeed.


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مجلة أصحابي

مجلة أصحابي هي مجلة منوعة تهدف الى جمع أكبر عدد ممكن من المقالات والمواضيع المتميزة التي تهم الشباب والشابات. يمكنكم ارسال مشاركاتكم واضافاتكم الى موقعنا في أي مجال يهمكم.